4. Those Eyes Again

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Chapter: Middle School

-the final year in middle school-

"Well, would you look at that its poor defenseless Deku!" Katsuki snarled, his followers (friends) snickering from behind. "A-ah Kacchan-!" the nervous wreck of a teen shrunk in fear of the slightly taller boy making Katsuki feel powerful. "Look at this little bitch! He's practically curling into himself just at the sight of you Bakugou!" His friend laughed, the others joining in to taunt the poor boy.

Katsuki's anger for the boy was like no other and it only seemed to grow by the day. Why? Well...

He HATED the fact his own mother liked him more than her own son. He HATED the fact he was so comfortable crying and showing emotions in front of others. He HATED the fact that even though he was bullied and tormented at school he still wore that big cheesy smile, even when his father left him at a young age and he seemed hardly phased by it. 'How could he be FINE with it and not me? Is he stronger than me, does that mean I'm weak..? NO...no i-im not...'

His Jealousy and envy overpowered his sense of control, his anger hungrily growled and scratched for another victim, its predatory eyes lay on the green head in front of Katsuki.

Many times he felt like this when seeing Izuku, resulting in him bullying the boy. Picking possible weaknesses the short man may have (eg. His facial features, height, and the fact he was quirkless...). Katsuki knew what he was doing was terrible and he felt bad but he couldn't help it, for no matter how hard he tries he can never control or tame the anger in him. And his pride wouldn't let him apologize.

"Well, well, well" cackled #2 Bully " isn't it convenient to see you here!" Katsuki rolled his eyes at the stupidity of the others 'we're at school dumbass' the others began to mock the boy's stutter, but Katsuki quickly grew bored. Checking the time he decided to head to class. "Ooh~ look who has a crush on kacchan~!" One of the bullies managed to get izuku's notebook and flipped to a page that seemed to be information on Katsuki 'tch!' Was his only response. Another murmured under his breath loud enough for all to hear "fucking creep..."

Deku eagerly tried to find the words to explain the situation "n-no kacchan, i-its just we've known each other for so long and i-i like to write a lot of n-notes so..." The green man continued to mumble, pissing Katsuki off more. "UGH! Okay we get it God just shut up! Come on extras let's get the fuck out of here!" He snatched the notebook from the other and harshly shoved the book into Izuku's chest. He stomped away making his way into the classroom.


He sat in his seat, legs on his desk while his followers surrounded him. "Fuck man, I am dying for a cigarette right about now," said one, katsuki made another 'tch' sound letting their conversation fade into the background.

Katsuki again got lost in his thoughts. He didn't think of anything specific just anything that came to his mind first. His body ached from below his ribcage as his mother had kicked him pretty hard there. An easier way to put it, she was pissed yesterday and he was now basically covered in bruises. The bell rang indicating for all students to get in class and sit down. The students, of course, did as they were told and just in time for our middle teacher to walk in.

"Since you're all third years, it's time for you to think seriously about your future," katsuki's teacher said. His teacher continued to speak about our future plans and how we can carry them out. Katsuki couldn't care less, he was going UA and that was final. And he will do it with his own help, no one else's. He couldn't Remember where this childhood dream job had originated he could only guess was because of Allmight and useless Deku talking about pro heroes 24/7.

Katsuki zoned back into class just as the teacher praised all the student's amazing quirks making the blonde snicker, his tough guy persona activated. "Don't dump us all in the same group. I'm not gonna be stuck at the bottom with the rest of these rejects!" The class was drowned with shouts as they all tried to defend themselves from the grinning blonde. This, though, caused Katsuki's grin to turn into a big smirk. Giving them all a look that said he was the best. Convincing himself that he was the best even if it was a lie, he felt like he was lying.

"You should all shut up like the extras you are!" The teacher spoke, ignoring the younger male's rudeness; "Oh, you want to go to UA high, right, Bakugou?" This causes the others in the class to look back up at the front of the class in shock. Katsuki continued to say empty encouraging words about himself just to drag the point across that he was and always will be better than all of them.

"Oh yes, Midoriya wanted to go to UA, too, right?" What the teacher said made me freeze. The class erupted in laughter, humiliating the boy enough for him to bury his head into his arms as they lay on top of his desk. Katsuki heard the boy try defending his honor after some extra made some snarky comment but all that Katsuki could do was think. 'What the hell was he thinking!? He could seriously hurt or worse..!' Not only did he hate the fact he could be with him at UA he also hated the fear and anxiety feeling of wondering about something bad would happen to his old childhood friend...

Katsuki acted quickly in the only way he knew how and really the only way he was ever taught...violence. He sprang into action aiming explosions at Deku's desk. "Hey Deku! You're below the rejects! You're quirkless!" He smirked curling his hand up in a warning pose. Ready to throw another explosion, smoke leaking out of that hand. Something inside him screamed to stop and to think, but he couldn't bring himself to. Instead, his lips curled into a grinning snarl, and once he spoke his voice was filled with venom and heavy hatred. "How can you even stand in the same ring as me?"

"No wait, kacchan!-" His hands moved in the air repeatedly as if they could help defend himself "it's not like I'm trying to compete with you or anything!" He backed up causing him to bang his back against the wall "believe me!" The nerd continued to ramble on saying how it was a childhood dream and he wouldn't know unless you try and blah, blah, blah. I said shit back trying to intimidate him to not go through with it. 'God Deku ' he thought 'just get the hint, please!" The day seemed to fly by after that. Everyone left class after the bell rang leaving only Deku, Katsuki, and his two followers behind. The nerd muttered to himself, katsuki rudely interrupted as he snatched Deku's notebook as he glared down at the boy...

Words: 1,212

Hello, sorry for taking so long. I had lost the original draft and I couldn't be bothered rewriting it lol. But fortunately, I found it! I also have the next chapter ready, all I have to do is type it up :)
Apologies if there are any mistakes it was rushed.

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