7. Those Eyes Again

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Chapter: "How's it going stranger?"

The black coffee was gulped down in one quick swig, dark black eyes stare out the restaurant following the two blondes, one male, and the other female. The taller being the lass, dragged the young son quickly while Katsuki stumbled hard to keep up. The pro shook his head, disappointed in the woman's actions. The 6'0" Sillohoute, known as Aizawa paid the restaurant bill eager to finally sleep.

He awoke the next day with a sudden change of feeling. Something he wasn't used to. He was used to the numb feeling that'd fill his mind upon his awakening, but not today. It wasn't joy nor pain but just a calm content feeling that emitted throughout him. If any were to look at him they'd miss the sparkle and that grin that presented itself in his eyes. Why'd he feel like this? Why now? Shaking the questions he got out of his bed and made a coffee, black. A tap, tap,  tap introduced itself from the door. The old him would ignore it, knowing if it was a friend they'd walk right in applauding him once again on his antisocial behavior, but instead, this morning he found himself walking towards the wooden monstrosity nicknamed the door.

A shocked blonde was met behind said door. "Uhh, Shota?" Sarcastically the black-headed said, "the one and only." His green eyes meet Shota's, studying him checking over him. "Are you? Or are you an imposter," Aizawa rolled his eyes that'd help hide his smile "Yes, Hizashi, It's me."

He gestured to the other pro and welcomed him inside which present mic hesitantly took. A look of 'is this where I die' mixed with 'are you okay' was painted on him head to toe. "Well as you would know, I usually always knock on the door as a joke since you know, you NEVER answer the door" Aizawa shut his said door before heading back into the kitchen to retrieve his coffee "so... uhh why now" he shrugged "I don't really know why I just... feel different?" "Like good different or-??" they both found themselves sitting on the four-seater couch but sitting as close as they could to each other. "Yeah...I think so" Yamada smiled, happy for his best friend. "That's great, I'm glad to hear it. Especially after... well everything, really." Shota glanced down for a second before reconnecting their eyes together "yeah, he was a good friend." Hizashi bit his lip "yeah, definitely" Aizawa cleared his throat and took a gulp out of his cup. 

"You have today off?" He asked after placing his cup on the wooden coffee table. "uh-huh party time! I assume you as well?" "Party? Hell no. But yes today's my day off." Yamada sighed "OK no party then, want to just hang out here?" Aizawa nodded "let me put a shirt on first." Yamada readjusted his hair with his fingers while making a *tsking noise, " ah yes classic. Answering the door without a shirt on, that's so like you," "that, in fact, isn't like me idiot" Aizawa stood up making his way to his room to find a black shirt, "hey, I'm not complaining" Yamada said once he returned wriggling his eyebrows. 


Aizawa lay across the couch, one leg sitting up against the back cushions and the other slightly tilted on the edge of the couch. Hizashi Yamada lay between his legs with his arms wrapped around his body, between his stomach and chest, while his head lay comfortably on his chest, fast asleep. Awakening to this caused an immense blush to spread on Aizawa's face and tips of ears. Netflix playing the show; The Office sat frozen with a dark shade on it asking 'Are You Still Watching' with two options, continue watching or back. 

Aizawa returned his attention to the blonde sleeping on him, his usual gelled-up hair was gone, and was left with beautiful long blonde hair that was soft to the touch that lay gently against Yamada's shoulders. Aizawa's hands went through Yamada's hair. Aizawa could notice every small detail of being this close to him; how perfectly clear his skin was, faint freckles decorated his nose. His long, lush eyelashes. His pink lips cornered into a pout. He was beautiful.   

He shut his eyes and leaned back enjoying the moment as much as he could, breathing a soft sigh imagining what this would be like, every day. Though he already knew;

 It'd be amazing.    

It's been a few months since hizashi and he had really started to hang out. It's been nice Aizawa had to admit. Yeah, they hanged out a lot before but not as much as now. They practicly lived at eachother's house counting how many nights in a row they'd stay for. Some of the pros would wriggle their eyebrows, Midnight, after seeing that they, once again came to work together.

They've hung out so much Aizawa began to realise how deep he felt for the blonde with his emerald eyes. Everything he said caused a certain male to blush, every slight touch, like a arm over the shoulder would send elictricity through him. Though he attempted to shove it down and relentlessly remind himself they are just friends and Hizashi wouldn't be interested. He has even tried dating apps to help him move on but no one's loud enough. No one can even make Aizawa to crack a smile. no one but him. his bestfriend. It was Hizashi Yamada who had the tackiest style of clothes that even still looked good on him. Hitashi Yamada was the one to bring up anyone from feeling down. He had the most beautiful smile with the ability to show life was more than shit. Hitashi was amazing. And Aizawa loved that, admired that. 

(964 words) 

Hey, how are we all? Hope you all are and had/having a good day. :) apologies for the short(ish) chapter hope you enjoyed it either way. If any of you are confused I wanted to take it back to when Aizawa and Katsuki first meet and then parted to show what has happened for Aizawa. And yes this story has Shota Aizawa x Yamada Hizashi <3  

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