9. Those Eye Again

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Chapter: "to the one I love most."

The water crashed against each other under the nightly sky, the moon bringing light to the dock Aizawa had waited upon. The wind flew through Hizashi's beautiful blonde locks that slid past his shoulders. He gazed in awe at the other, the way the moon lit the other's usually dark, black eyes. The beautiful tux and tie hugged tightly, complementing his figure. His eyes shone in his astonishment as they fell on the rose. One sickly sweet thought infected his mind with a cheesy smile: 'I-I love you too... Aizawa.'  

################# (Minutes earlier)

Aizawa nervously picked at his hands waiting for the arrival of his potential rejection. He looked at the rose he had chosen from the closest flower bed around the area he could find. It was a basic red that he singularly picked the thorns off. That hurt. He checked his messages for the thousandth time looking at the same five words; 

'sweet! I'll be there soon :)'

-- for the last fifteen minutes. "fifteen minutes... Where is he!?" Shota began to mutter before an exaggerated sigh escaped his lips. He hadn't really thought about what he was going to say. He hadn't really thought about anything. He just acted. He grabbed a few candles to decorate along the misty alone dock, grabbed his suit and tie, and neatly tied his hair up, letting his bangs sit comfortably on the sides of his face. All he knew was how he felt. That's why he was in formal wear. That's why he held the no longer spiky rose in his hand and that's why his breath smelt of mint.  

He had chickened out once. Not again...no. This is the chance his subconscious had chosen to pick by playing eenie meenie miney moe. This is the time to admit his true feelings toward his best friend, Hizashi.  

One of the most thrilling experiences is having a crush, finding your true love. Everything this man says melts your heart, their smile is breathtaking, and you can't stop thinking about he. Every time you see him, butterflies flutter around in your stomach. He makes you laugh for no reason, makes you daydream constantly about them, and make you go anywhere with extra motivation with just the knowledge that they'd be there. Crushes are as adorable as him and I hope luck, we'll share an 'I love you' with one another.   

The distant slam of a car brang him back, he froze for a second, hearing the laugh of Hizashi "Hey, Shota! You brought me out here to kill me or wh-" his sentence cut off short as he noticed the candles that dragged along. Shota turned around locking eyes with Hizashi's, spotting the shock twinkling within his green emerald pairs. Hizashi wore a white hoodie with Pikachu's face decorating the middle. For pants, he had light blue jeans with rips and holes scarring the fabric. "I-I..." Hizashi said in barely a whisper "I feel underdressed..." He awkwardly smiled zoning in on what Shota was wearing 'no... you look perfect.' Shota gestured his free hand forward with the intent of the blonde to grab on. The green-eyed boy wore a mix of confusion and acceptance as he walked forward, hesitantly grabbing the other's hand. It's pointless to keep your crushes to yourselves. Let them grow and blossom into something bigger and more beautiful. There may be some hard winters but you get up and continue to push through. Soon this crush could turn into more than just a crush but love. I'll let you in on a secret; my crush on Hizashi Yamada.

Shota gripped the other's hand,  a silent plea that was  expressed on both sides "I wanted to tell you something." He cleared his throat giving a pause for Hizashi to share but all the blonde could do was stare at the other's hand, biting his lip in anticipation and anxiety, "It's a little hard for me to say but I think you should know..." This time Hizashi looked up, a smile lighting the dark sky up "I-i'm listening..." a silent shaky breath left Shota as he gestured the rose to his true love; "I-I have feelings for well- you."


A blush blinked through the two as their lips came close to each other. After hearing the words "I have feelings for you" back from Hizashi, he couldn't contain himself. He grabbed the male, pulling him close while one hand was on the hip, slightly crushing the rose, and the other caressed his soft face, holding onto the left cheek only to stop, and ask "M-may I kiss you?" An exaggerated nod came from Hizashi as their lips neared "yes..." eyes full of love and admiration for one another glistened before their eyes closed driftly shut as their lips crashed together. 

Their kiss grew more passionate the longer it went on, Hizashi pulled Shota closer and grabbed the black-haired man's left arm, placing his leftover arm on his shoulder, slightly strengthening his hold every second he lost more of his breath but didn't dare to pull away. Slowly but surely he took dominance over the two slipping his tongue in Shota's, a blonde's smirk tempting to break the moment, This'll be a fun night...

(890 words) 

Hey, this was a pretty medium-sized chapter but I thought it'd be nice to add some fluff between these two since they're so damn cute!!! <333 only one more chapter 'til we get back to our beloved Katsuki xx hope you all have a wonderful day/night and continue to just be you! 

Those eyes again // bnhaWhere stories live. Discover now