The Cast of 'Arkham Echo'

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"Everybody has a chapter they don't read out loud." -Unknown


Erica Davis/Sparrow

Jason Todd/Arkham Knight/Red Hood

Kiera Thorn/Bewitcher

Bruce Wayne/Batman

Loren Fitzgerald/Dragoness

Barbara Gordon/Batgirl/Oracle

Lillian Bruno/Nymph/Hummingbird

Dick Grayson/Nightwing

Tim Drake/Robin

With The Joker

And Harley Quinn

Batman: Arkham Echo

Written By Ciphen's Narrative



For those who are wondering how I got the timeline of the Arkham Game Series for this story, I used one created by Suggestive Gaming on YouTube, which I did put a link for anyone who wants to check it out. They did a fantastic job and I'm so glad that I found their video for guidance. I did change a few things and add some things from the original comics or other media to better align with the additional characters and plot of this story. However, it hopefully won't make too big of a difference.

As a friendly note, this story will include chapters of the Batman Family side of the story. That way, it feels genuinely like a Batman fanfiction and allows you to feel the tension and struggle between Erica's team and Batman's family. Especially as to how it relates to Jason Todd.

Also, to reiterate anything in the synopsis, Batman is owned by DC Comics. The Arkham Games were created by Rocksteady and DC. I do not own any images or art of any DC character that is mentioned or has a main role in the story. They belong to DC Comics and/or whomever they are collaborating with.

I only own the original characters (minus whomever I have portraying said original character via images or GIFs) and any artwork I may have of them (Unlike someone I know has made it and sent it to me, to which I will credit them).

Another disclaimer is that updates and uploading of chapters will be irregular and might not have a set release schedule. I am a human being with a normal job and home life as top priorities, so writing and other habits come after that. I may release previews or Character Profiles/Overviews in order to keep things as smooth and fresh as possible. But, those might be scarce as well.

Thank You!
<Ciphen's Narrative>


Edit: R.I.P Kevin Conroy... Thank You for years worth of memories and being the center of many people's childhoods.

Edit #2: Decided to remove the actors' name from the character listing as one of the actors on it has been at the center of some controversy that has recently come to light. I won't say who, but if you're been following some of the stories, you might understand...

Batman: Arkham Echo (Joker's Daughter AU! OC Arkhamverse Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now