Chapter 1: Pump's Corruption

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(Warning: this chapter has some slight gore, anxiety, and death)

Pump's POV:
It was the spooky month!! Skid and I just finished getting candies in all the spooky houses in our area. So we decided to went back home to our houses... "Hey pump! I Can't believe we got alot of candies this year!!" "yeah me too!" I said with a smile as we got closer to my house. "okay pump see ya tomorrow!!" "see ya!!" I said to skid before he walk away as I open the front door of my house. I slowly open door and take off my pumpkin mask revealing my curly brown hair and black eyes "Hey Susie! Grandpa! Look at all Candy I got and-" Suddenly my words got cut off when I entered our house. Susie was just standing there and- something just feels wrong about this....

"ummm.... Susie are you okay?..." "..." Why is she not responding?... "S-Susie?..." I said as I was about pat her in the back but then she turned around I felt like I was so scared?... Wait why am I so scared of her all a sudden?... Why does she have a scary looking face?! her body seem to be all covered in a black and pink substance. Her teeth And her eyes are pink as well. My eyes turned blue as I look at her face... I was terrified... Wait... Is that blood on her face?....Is this thing even Susie at this point?!..."WHO ARE YOU?! WHERE IS MY SISTER- ACK!!!" I shouted to whatever this scary thing that look like my sister, But then she plugged at me and pinned me to the ground. I struggle as I was trying to escape... Then I saw her opened her mouthed jaws as she about to attack me with her scary looking teeth. I pushed her off, and grab an axe that was on the floor... "S-STAY AWAY FROM ME YOU BIG SCARY MONSTER!!!" I shouted in fear as I grab the axe and pointed it at her. she growled at me like an animal, and I couldn't help but to defended myself from my own sister- Wait is she my sister?... "You're not her... You're not my sister!!! Susie doesn't look all scary like that!!!" I shouted while I was holding the axe, and the it looked at me and growled back. I have no choice but to defend myself from this monster!... At least is the only thing I could do for now... I Swing the axe at her as she approach me, and she was ready to attack me like some sort of animal. I sliced one of her arm off, but then it grew back... then she bite me on my left arm. I screamed in agony as I feel the pain coming from my arm. I push her away with my right arm she stumble to ground but the she got back up. So I keep fighting her, it was an intense fight I didn't know what happened next... I Can't remembered it that much.... the next thing I knew she was laying in the ground with alot of Bruce cuts on her body... I was breathing heavily holding the axe. I was even crying.... 'should I really do this to her?... Is she even Susie at this point?....' I said in my mind as I was about used the axe to stabbed my poor sister's head. Or atleash Who I think is my sister.... But I have no choose, I know it was a bad decision... But I have to,"I'm sorry!...." I said as I drop the axe. I put on my pumpkin mask back and Runaway. Well

I ran outside of our house, and then I run passed to a herd of this scary weird corrupted people?..... They look just like my sister when I first saw her like this, And they seems to be looking at me... and.... approaching me?... They approach me closer and closer and Closer... I run into a crowd of them and they start grabbing my arms and my legs I can feel the pain on the side of my left side of body as I was being corrupted. it was like the same substance that was on my sister and now it spreading across my in tire body!! I tried to struggle and struggle, but I Can't escape it... I was almost fully corrupted... I was getting weak... It feels like can't control my body anymore....My vision is getting blurry.... As I was being dragged along the crowd.....

I... feel... so... tired...

Someone help!....

Skid?.... anybody?... Help me!.... pls!....

Pump's Nightmare (Prologue of Different Corrupt AU chapter 2)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon