Prologue 1

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Muddy boots tramped along the dirt road together with the clanging and banging of shields and swords. All the men were very, very tired after the long trip to the mountain border and the steady rain didn't help the morale of the soldiers. Knowing that they had to travel the same distance back again made it even more difficult. The roads by the mountains were so poorly maintained that the soldiers struggled to do patrols in the area.

There were three parts of a patrol - two officers, twenty soldiers, and two messengers. The officers commanded the entire patrol of soldiers, the soldiers fought any battles that needed to be fought (which was extremely rare), and the messengers were there just in case something went wrong and they needed someone to get help.

The patrol was just coming up on the place where the road splits off and goes into the mountains. No patrol ever went down the road but they did look around the entrance to make sure that there was no trouble.

"Split up, troops!" one of the officers yelled, "Search the area!"

Something whispered in the rocks close to a pair of soldiers. "This job gives me the creeps," one of them muttered.

"After a long day the last thing I want to do is fight," the other soldier agreed.

"Then I'll make it quick," the voice whispered. There was just one scream and then it was all over.

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