Part Three

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Despite the fact that I was riding a dragon's back the view was incredible. I could see the Assembly's mountain and little farm houses dotting the fields. The mountains were amazingly dull. however. It was all just gray and some little splotches of green every now and then.

Just as I was finally getting used to riding on a dragon's back it landed. I hopped off as fast as I could and immediately threw up. Requ landed with a thud on the ground very close to me.

"Now would you mind telling me just how you used the cry of Tgenyqen?"

"The cry of Geniquen?" I was so confused.

"It's an ancient call that was used by the first dragon king. He was the one who led the charge during the war and when any dragon was in a life or death situation that was the call that they used. So how did you do it?"

"I honestly have no idea," I shrugged, "I just yelled for help." I don't know why I was so calm about everything that had just happened but I was pretty sure that I would go into post traumatic shock after I got back to the city. If I ever did get back.

"If you would allow me I would like to test you on all of the areas that a dragon is naturally proficient in," Requ's voice lowered but it was still super loud.

"Fine," I crossed my arms, "what do you have in mind?"

He led me into a giant cave that was the size of ten of the Assembly's palace's. When I walked in I felt a strange feeling come over me.

"Well that was the first test," Requ twisted his head behind him, "Only a being with a dragon soul may enter the Cave of Refuge."

As I looked around I saw that it wasn't just a cave but an entire cavern. Towards the back of it I saw that there was a hole big enough for a dragon to go in and out. Through it I saw nothing but ocean and water. There were giant lanterns hanging from the roof of the cavern. As Requ looked over the cave I saw an expression of pride for his kingdom flash over his face.

"Your second test will be going through the dungeons," it looked like Requ smirked as much as a dragon like him could. A couple of the other dragons made some noises that sounded like laughing.

"If you survive that test then there will only be one more test. If you don't..." he paused as the thought was just now occurring to him, "Well, we'll just get to that when we come to it. Now right this way." He pointed one giant scaled foot, or hand I wasn't quite sure, towards a dark tunnel to the right of me.

"Just go in there and then come out?" This all sounded too easy but I was sure that there was a catch, "So what's the catch?" I crossed my arms.

"No catch, just try not to bleed too much," one of the other dragons laughed.

And with that he shoved me into the tunnel. Right as he retracted his hand a hidden slab of rock slammed down.

I looked around trying to see anything but it was so dark that I could barely see my hand when it was just a foot away. I felt around the rock slab and could tell that this tunnel was definitely made for a dragon to be able to easily come through it. I stepped unsteadily down the tunnel.

I had to go to one side of the tunnel and feel my way along the side so that I didn't end up walking myself into a wall. After what seemed like hours of walking I finally came to a clearing. The wall that I had followed suddenly dropped off and I looked up.

In the center of the clearing was a single lantern that hung from a huge rope. It was only one lantern but it lit up the room so that I could see fairly well. I walked towards the center of the room and once I stood directly under the lantern I stopped. I didn't know where I was going and the only reason I was here was because of my boneheaded decision to run away.

The Blood CrownOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora