Part Two

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I was escorted in by two guards, one on each side of me. They followed me over to one of the chairs where I sat down. There were two rows of chairs seated right before the five thrones. On the five thrones were the five kings and queens.

In the middle sat Kendrix. He had a long flowing beard, wore a flowing black and white professor's gown, and had a face so serious and stern that I wasn't sure if I should stand up or sit down or bow or curtsy or something else. In the end I sat down but that isn't really important right now.

On his right sat a young woman who had long red hair and her face was so pretty that it made you want to tell her everything you had ever done wrong in your life. She wore a long flowy green dress and when she spoke her voice floated across the room like it was riding a magic carpet.

To the left of Kendrix sat a man who was like a mix of the two I just mentioned. He had closely cut brown hair and wore a simple tunic and pants. He had sharp blue eyes and when he looked at you it felt like he could see inside you.

On the far left sat an older woman who had white hair and big earrings in the shape of dragons. She wore a shorter dress than the red haired lady, but not by much, and the bottom of the dress was embroidered with diamonds.

On the far right sat a man who was sitting cross legged on his throne. He had long black hair and even though his eyes were closed he looked right at me and he wore raggedy clothes that looked dirtier than the drunk man at the prison.

"I am Harmony," the red haired lady said. "This is Ultic," she gestured to the black haired man on her right, "and that is Rose," she pointed to the older lady on the far left, "He is-"

"Darron," the man with the brown hair finished. He smiled and then went back to fiddling with a scrap of metal.

"And I am Kendrix," I knew who he was based off info I got from people on the streets and his voice seemed so unnaturally loud that I almost asked him to whisper.

I sat down in one of the chairs and for the first time I noticed an older man with a scar over his eye leaning against one of the walls watching me intently. I awkwardly waved and then drew my attention back to the council.

"We have noticed that you have been involved in some unusual activity recently," Rose said.

"Yeah, what about it?" I tried to act tough and stubborn but I knew that there was no way that I could fake it in front of the Assembly.

"We would like to know all you know about the man who contacted you and coerced you into trying to steal from us," Kendrix's voice boomed off the walls.

"All I know is that his dagger looked funny, he was short, and he was extremely dirty," I glared up at the Assembly. All of them exchanged glances, yes, even the blind man, and after some silent conversations they all turned back to look at me.

"My dear, it appears that you were threatened by a Dwarf."

I have been through a lot, whether it was people who wanted to kill me or people who needed me to live. But never in my entire life had I dreamed that I would meet a dwarf.

"We have been doing extensive work on their activity lately and have come up with one dwarf that has gone missing for the past ten days. He recently turned up in a wagon that was trying to leave the city. We have him in custody and rest assured everything will be sorted out." Darron paused to take a breath and I used the silence to say something that I probably shouldn't have.

"I want to talk to him." I stood up, "He threatened me so I think that I get the right to talk to him."

The man against the wall turned his head slightly.

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