Chapter 1 - Reunited at last

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Hello everybody, i'm back. I haven't been on Wattpad for about 5 weeks, and i was very sad to learn that my favourite fanfiction had ended @consultingmoonwalker damn you. Anyway, i decided to write this, because i'm bored and i should probably have at least one piece of writing which visualises John as heterosexual (but the Johnlock!). It's not nice to be unfair. It is nice to be back though.

Also, listen to this song:

It's pretty, and it's the one i'm listening to now.


Chapter 1 - Reunited at last

John's POV

I looked at the school in front of me. It looked more like a prison than a school - barbed wire topped the link fence and the walls were a dull grey. I had seen the cold, concrete building before, but never realised it was Baskerville.

At least it's consistent, I thought, trying to see the positive.

There was one good thing about being here - my best friend of nine years was here.

After seven years of in the same class, in the same school (reception - Yr 6), we were finally split up. He went to Baskerville Boarding and I went to Lauristons.

I still saw him, every Monday and Thursday, so we hadn't lost touch, but it was lonely at Lauristons.

But now, just in time for Year 9, we had convinced my parents to let me go to Baskerville!

I started towards the reception, pulling my case along in one hand, and taking my phone out to call him in the other.

"Sherlock, you sociopath, I'm outside."

I knew I wouldn't get an answer back, i knew what he was doing. I fancied I could hear him sprinted all the way down from his room on the 2nd floor from the top.

He had told me many times - his brother's girlfriend (or in Mycroft's words; a girl who is a close friend) was the receptionist at Baskerville, and had known Sherlock since he was a toddler, when Mycroft and her were at school together. They were like siblings. This meant that Sherlock practically got anything he wanted; choice of dorm, who he's sharing with, and also where Anderson's dorm is.

I smiled at receptionist Anthea as i walked into the foyer. I had met her a couple of times, and she knew my sister.

I hadn't even signed in before Sherlock came rushing round the corner, tackling me to the ground. It took me a moment to recover from my shock.

I finished signing in, and we made our way to Sherlock's dorm, which would now also be my dorm. Two hundred and twenty one, floor B, also known as 221b.

He pointed out several things as we went, until we got to floor C, the one below ours.

The floors were organised in a boy girl boy girl fashion, and on this floor was a group of girls giggling.

Without even glancing, Sherlock told me who they were.

"They're all in our year apart from the one with dark red hair. She's the year above, and called Claire Hudson."

I looked at him. "As in, Mrs Hudson the Tea Shop owner?"

"Yes, Claire is her daughter. Miss Hudson is currently in a relationship with Lestrade."


"He doesn't have a first name."

"You mean you don't know it."


"The one next to Claire is Laura Triton, and next to her is Molly Hooper. And before you ask, yes that is Folly Molly."

In primary school, in year 3, Molly Hooper moved to our school, and was so nervous on the first day that she kept tripping, apologising and then just generally being clumsy. And so the nickname Folly Molly was born, and it stuck.

"Several pointless students in the school have been making a scandal about whether Laura and Molly are, as they say, 'canon'. I say it's obvious."

Of course you do, I muttered in my head. I had temporarily forgotten his deductions.

"They always sit/stand closer together, wherever they are. Upon looking at each other, their pupils dilate, they-"

I stopped him, and asked him who the last girl was. He raised his eyebrows, but continued.

"Wendy Adler. Her room is the dorm below us, so I would be careful. Don't want her hearing your poetry before you've emailed it."

He smirked at me and I kicked his shin.

"Shut. Up."

I took one last look at Wendy, then we continued walking up to the dorm.

Sherlock opened the door, and motioned to the bed on the left. It was pristine, probably his idea.

Of course, his side was a mess. Science books lay sprawled across his desk, and various samples surrounded his trademark microscope.

But my side was clean. I was a bit of a neat freak, and would have completely had a meltdown if everything was in disarray.

I unpacked my suitcase, and just as i was arranging my books, there was a light knock on the door.

I turned to Sherlock, who waited before answering it. In this moment, I swear I saw his cheeks turn a shade pinker. Who's Sherlock blushing for? I thought, curious.

He opened it to reveal a girl who looked our age.

"John, this is Gigi Chattaway. "

My jaw dropped.

"Oh come on, I can't spend two years being alone! Anyway she's just a frie-"

"You're John Watson?" Gigi had an prominent Australian accent.

"Uh, yeah." I confirmed, not really sure what to think.

I was stopped in my confusion by a bear hug.


I looked from Sherlock, to her beaming face, and back to Sherlock.

Maybe I'm not the only person with their eye on someone.

Sociopaths can change, right?

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