Chapter 38 - im lonely and sad

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oof so i just watched a horror movie from 2009 simply for that fact that there is a panic at the disco song which i love in the soundtrack and also a gay scene which isnt even that gay. i bascially watched the film for about 4 minutes of cinematic time in total.

its 3am and i have lady antebellum stuck in mein gehirn

update hey im about to publish this whaddaya know its 20 to 4 am shall i stay up and watch the sunrise?


Chapter 38

Wendy's POV

We were back at school. The half term had passed uneventfully, apart from greg's rescue and return. he'd only woken up the saturday before school started so i guess they thought it was best to let him have a little more time off. yknow, seeing how he was tortured for a month or some shit (idk the writer is still hazy on that).

Our table in the canteen was a sorry sight. we had managed 2 years, solid, without any problems. the whole group, me, gigi, laura, molly, claire, greg and sherlock. then along comes john watson, with his messy hair and fiery personality, his cute little hedgehog face and his pretty smile, and suddenly everything goes to shit.

I looked around the table now. John, Sherlock and gigi were sat next to each other, talking as they usually did. laura was staring off into the distance, clocking back into the conversation only when she was spoken to directly. greg of course was still recovering, molly was still gone and claire...well claire was normal. Ever since she'd broken up with greg it seemed like there was a weight lifted from her that nobody knew she had. by all accounts; fucking suspicious. Even if she was my cousin, i knew that her friend irene did some dodgy shit, and claire was never one to say no to an antic or two. 

and with everything going on recently? i didnt really trust anyone.

if i had the resources, id run away. id get john to come with me. move somewhere. korea maybe, china. someplace crazy where we could get away from being hunted down and drugged and tortured and kidnapped and traumatised.

but i didnt have the resources. i had this life, where i stick to a boring school timetable and occasionally go out on the weekend. Molly and i used to go out to waterstones once a month. i dont really know how it started. it just became a sort of tradition. but of course, she'd been gone for a month plus now. i didnt think it'd happen again. Then i said it before i could stop myself

"What do you guys think has happened to molly?"

That was it. I watched as laura froze up, still, silent. then the other surprise - claire was no longer smiling like she had been. her face dropped and she was fidgeting around with her hands.

Sherlock, being sherlock, noticed, and broke the momentary silence.

"I imagine shes got family problems. People dont like to talk about that stuff, shes probably some where remote," he looked directly at laura "i dont know, maybe canada."

John looked up at sherlock, and something clicked in his eyes. "Yeah, shes probably fine." He continued, now looking at me with a fierce flame in his eyes. "If she needs us, she'll contact us."

the bell rang to signal the end of lunch, and everyone reluctantly marched away, to whichever lessons this hellhole school  had assigned them.

~ ~ ~ 

i caught up with john after school and after that weird fucking conversation at lunch.

"What was that thing at lunch?" I asked, flat out.

He turned to me. "Sherlock thinks that molly has possibly been..." He faltered

"What, kidnapped?"

He remained silent until i came to my realisation. "Oh my...god."

I looked john in the eyes. "Sherlock thinks she's dead."

"I'm sorry wendy." There was emotion in johns face, sadness and regret. except i couldnt quite see it because my own eyes were clouded with tears. i sank to my knees. john sat down with me, and put a comforting arm around me as i sat there sobbing. Molly Hooper...was gone.

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