Chapter 26 - im confused n scared of committing to a plot exceptidontmeanaplot

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yoooooooo im a bit of a wreck high key got that gay confusion going also i am disappointed with my style after watching a super gay film 

high key also feel like im being super bad at letting you guys know where we are and my writing isnt very clear so here is an overview of all the chracters and their situations atm:

laura - missing

molly - missing

sherlock - out of his sulk and friends with john again, solving mystrays

john - solving mystrays with lots of caution adn worry #samsies

claire - broke up with greg, implied student teacher relations, being blackmailed by jim

wendy - being a studious nerd (wheres the difference) and been at study sessions after finding a dedded body which was mr chapman (the guy from chapter 3).

irene - literally not come up in the story again????? her and claire are roommates

greg - heartbroken, last seen in alone in an alleyway

jim - highkey tried to grope wendy ew what a twat also is just super fucking dodgy

detective hurst- the poor fucking officer assigned to this school that has to deal with everyones shit omg (p. realistic too)

mycroft(sherlocks brother?) - gregs ex-therapist, now just a coffee morning bud 

i think thats everyone but if ya got questions dont ask me in real life ask in a comment so i feel loved and validated yes thank you. ((highkey looking at you amy becasue i value your opinion becasue you actually still read this stuff for which i am grateful))


Chapter 26

Sherlock's POV

John was obviously way more worried about the planted note than i was. Whats wrong with a bit of fun and games with a possible kidnapper/murderer/criminal?

Unfortunately, his caution got the better of me and whilst i would have loved to go off gallivanting towards solving the case, John was not so keen and so i decided to wait until tomorrow when we could check out the address in the daytime before returning at night.

And so, early saturday morning, we donned our coats and snuck out. The address was in an industrial estate, how unoriginal.

We had got about halfway there, halfway through our strolling - although i believe it was power-walking for John, short legs and all that- when a jet black car pulled up in front of us. Neither of us were surprised, having had this happen to us a multitude of times before solving other cases. The car door opened and we both got in. Mycroft Holmes sat opposite us in the limo-esque interior.

"You could always just call me, brother dear." I snarled gently. "You'd probably realised that we were in the middle of something."

Mycroft grimaced back. "Sherlock i do not have time for your antics today." He turned to John. "I am aware, John, that you have become good friends with Gregory Lestrade upon your introduction to Baskerville, yes?"

John nodded, obviously a little exasperated. My brothers pomp adn circumstance could be insufferable sometimes.

I watched my brother. He was not his usual self. He breathed in deeply before saying,"Do you happen to know where he is presently?"

 John became tense. "No, no i dont, is he ok?"

Mycroft's face softened slightly but he didnt say anymore. I looked my brother in the eye. He looked back. There was a glimmer, a twinkle of pain, and he reached out and gave me a note. Without a word i tucked it away into my pocket,  nodded to him, and opened the car door again, beckoning John to get out. The car drove away as quickly as it had arrived.

"Well...that was weird. Your brother is kinda. Sort of weird." John looked over at where the car had turned the corner. I read the note and started walking in the opposite direction. "H-hey! where are you off too!" John stammered.

"Greg's gone missing." I stated blankly. "Or kidnapped. Hopefully not murdered."

John grabbed the arm of my coat and stopped me. "Well shit man, what are we doing now then? I thought he was just not feeling good and had decided to lay low for the day!"

"He was last seen by one of Mycrofts men at around 10 pm on Thursday night-"

"Date night, that was his date night with Claire. Maybe he was poisoned? Drugged?" I could tell that John had switched into 'detective' mode. He did that well; split up his logical side and his feelings. Me? Not so much. It all just blended into one paranoid hyperactive scientific mix for me.

"Get up a map, if he was going to be kidnapped theres only so far he would have gone."

We caught a cab and rushed to the restaurant where in the previous years Greg and Claire had frequented most thursdays. John was quite enamored. "It looks very...expensive here." 

I could see the cogs turning. "Mycroft paid. They're very close."  I told him.

We walked down the high street, before John stopped slowly. "They got a taxi cab back on the other nights, why didnt he this night?"


"I said, usually claire and greg came back to baskerville in a taxi, you can see the carpark from our window, i notice them coming back sometimes."

I turned round. "Did you see them last thursday then?"

John looked a little sheepish. "No, uh, i was in the library."

I rolled my eyes. "With wendy."

He nodded.

"Speaking of Wendy, theyre cousins. Call her up, see if she knows what happened."

John did, very quickly. Irritatingly, he didnt mention any of the information aloud, something that he knew annoyed me, but in a humorous way.

"Thanks Wendy, ill see you later, bye!" He hung up. "They broke up."

"Well...that changes everything." I said dramatically. John tilted his head and looked at me. 

"I really dont think going from one set of completely unproven ideas to another set of completly unproven ideas is really...progressing."

I simply glared back, and headed back to the restaurant.

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