Chapter 47 - wonderwall is call

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three chapters in one day what a fucking achievment


Chapter 47

John's POV

We jumped in the cab and started our ride to Mycroft's house. "Maybe..." i began, "maybe if the same people that kidnapped Greg were the ones that killed Molly, we should ask Greg about the vampires."

I received a capitalised Look from Sherlock, but it didnt stop me. "Its all very suspisch, though Sherlock, yknow, with the blood and the murders."

My friend grimaced. "John, if you so much as think about vampires during our questioning of greg, im kicking you out of the duo."

I grinned. "You're only saying that because you know im right."

We arrived not long after, with me singing "vaaampireeeess" to sherlock as he rang the doorbell. He did actually own a key, and could easily have picked the lock otherwise, but he had a habit of wanting to inconvenience mycroft at any point possible, and if that meant getting him to answer the door, it was worth it.

"Must you do that everytime brother dear? You could simply use your key, or perhaps I need to gift John with one as well." 

"No can do brother dear, keys are for losers, and if John had a key, he wouldn't use it either."

Mycroft rolled his eyes as he invited us both inside. 

We sat down on the sofa in Greg's room as he sat crossed legged on the bed. Mycroft perched ominously on the edge of the desk. (hes an ominous lad, what can i say).

"So Greg," I began. "Is there any chance that it  could have been v-"

I was stopped by sherlock flinging his hands over face and covering my mouth. He kept them there and tried to ask a question but i simply licked his hand and he recoiled in disgust.

"John what the fuck."  

Mycroft simply raised his eyebrows, but greg was chuckling loudly. It was good to see him laugh, itd probably been too long since that happened.

I quietened down a bit after that, letting sherlock ask the proper questions he wanted to ask. Greg dodged quite a few of them, but a slight shake of the head from mycroft told us both not to press to hard for answers. 

As we came to the end, i muttered to sherlock. "I still think that they were vampires."

"Its not bloody vampires !"

"but like it could be!"

We kept bickering until greg piped up again, and interrupted us. "Uh guys? Firstly, you two act like an old married couple. Secondly, i know youre taking the piss john, but they did seem to take a lot of my blood. I had to have a transfusion when i was back here."

Sherlock whipped to his back to greg, before mumbling "youre fucking kidding me."

We soon said our goodbyes and left, me with a grin, sherlock with a grimace.

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