Untitled Part 5

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I'm floating, up and up and up, so high my head feels like bursting. Eventually, I stop. Then, I drop fast enough that when I land on a pigeon mid-flight it breaks in two, whoops. When I land my feet hit the ground gracefully, like a ballerina.

I look around and I'm there, where the accident happened, only it hasn't yet. Everything is moving in slow motion, my mom's car is rolling to a four-way stop, then she slowly pulls forward. Everything happens at once and at an infinitely slow pace at the time.

The red sports car smashes through the stop sign and hits on the right side of the car, where Catherine and my dad were sitting. The droplets of rain halt and I can see Cat's look of pure terror. Her scream is echoing out through the city streets, echoing in my ears, haunting my soul.

The crash, oh God the crash, goes on forever and is over before it starts all at the same time. Droplets of blood splash onto me and the road. The red car speeds away but my mom's car moves sluggishly, taking forever to reach the ground.

I long to rush out, to stop the car, to cushion it with anything, my arms, my legs, my body, but I can't move. 

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