Untitled Part 26

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Alam flicks their finger and the bars fall out of the window. "I just didn't want you to go and do something stupid." They say sheepishly.

I wrap my arm around their waist, making them blush, "I know, I'm sorry if I scared you."

They wrap their long arms around me and almost pick me up with the strength of their hug. "We should make a plan. If we want to have any hope of getting Rosemary and Ocean back safely, we need to be patient. My scouts just returned, they were undable to trace Anderson. We need to... to come up with a plan." Towards the end of their statement, they begin to hiccup and tears start rolling down their face.

I nod, letting them hold on to me for as long as they wish.

Eventually, we untangle ourselves and I sit on the bed. Alam looks into my eyes, clearly horrified by their actions. "I'm so sorry." They sob.

I hug them, letting their tears fill my shirt. Eventually, they calm down. "My scouts were unable to locate where Anderson took Ocean, so we need that spell. I don't have much time to help you though, I'm sorry." They add the last bit with a thick coat of shame.

I nod. "You need to set up a council, to delegate, I think. After we fix this issue, once we get Ocean and Rosemary back, I think my time could be well spent helping with that."

They smile, looking at the floor. "Yeah, I think it would be."

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