Untitled Part 27

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Alam smiles at me, pulling themselves up onto their horse. They're traveling to try and make peace with the gang that's been threatening to raid. "I still don't see why I can't come with you."

"Well, if they don't actually want to make peace and this is an ambush, which has a very high chance, they could take you for leverage. That's why I always go to these places alone." They click their tongue twice and the animal takes off.

I watch them leave, waiting till they go round the bend, their cloak billowing in the wind. It's getting colder, I don't like the idea of Alam going out on their own.

Emma, the girl who came here when I did, is leading a horse over. She seems to have an affinity for the barn animals. "Just, stay safe." She mutters, staring at the ground as she hands me the reins. "And don't bring Hamlet back with any split shoes, I mean it!"

I nod. "Thank you so much."

She shakes her head. "I'm not doing this for you. I need to make sure Alam is safe, they saved my life, well death I guess."

I nod, pulling myself onto the stead. I set off on a slow trot. I need to be close enough to follow Alam but far enough not to get caught.

Rain begins to fall slowly and I pull the hood of my cloak up a little more. The ride shouldn't be too long, but I still don't want to get stuck in the rain longer than I have to.

I suddenly stop the horse as I hear loud voices. I use a slip knot to tether the horse to a tree. There are three people standing in the clearing, Alam and two gruff, burly men. They're the men that beat me up.

I almost let out a small gasp. "Listen, if you don't bother us, we won't bother you.Your gang has been terrorizing my people for too long." Alam says calmly.

"But we need resources, and no one else will give them to us." The first man speaks, he has a slight lisp.

Alam shrugs. "Then let's open trade routes."

"We have nothing to trade." the other man says.

I can tell Alam is getting frustrated. "Well we could provide a few resources for your group to get off the ground, but eventually it would have to become trade, not charity. Or you could join us. We would be very happy to have your group of people join us. You could remain independent to the point of rules and what not. You could control your laws and what not, but we could work together for resources, it's a win-win situation."

The first man shakes his head. "That's no good. We just need resources, why won't you give them?"

His voice rises quite a few decibels. He and his friend both grip their blades, short, sturdy daggers. "I can't. Besides, you were the ones who hurt Keaton, I'm being more than generous." Alam cautiously takes a step back, placing their hand on the hilt of their blade.

The second man smiles at the first. "Then I guess we'll have to take it."

He whips out his knife, his expression assuming he actually surprised anyone with this. Alam jerks their sword out. Before I can blink they've cut the man's wrist off, leaving him to writhe around in the grass with his bloody stump.

For some reason, the other man does not take this as a sign to run. He draws his blade and grips it tightly. Even I can tell he's holding it much too tight, clearly, the previous event has shaken all the common sense out of him.

I feel sick, I'm going to throw up. I thought nothing could bother me, I was never disturbed by the gore on screens. I rush off, not caring how much noise I make, I just want to get out of there.

Hamlet is there, peacefully grazing. I leap onto him and scramble for the reins, forgetting I tied the horse up. After my shaky hands undo the knot I set off as fast as possible.

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