Something to Eat

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Luckily for Aizawa, he wasn't rudely awoken by Yamada this time. Instead, he woke up to the sound of his laughter. He didn't open his eyes but he decided to listen, not to be rude but because he didn't have much else to listen to in a stopped car.
He can tell he's talking to Kayama, really because he recognises the tone of voice he's using but also because he can faintly hear her voice. He couldn't tell you what she's saying but the pitch has a sort of familiarity to it. He stopped his thoughts for a moment and focused on what was being said, somewhat out of curiosity, now.

"I'm actually there right now! Yeah, I decided to cut short 'cause he seemed suuper tired!
Haha! Yeah, more than usual! He's probably staying up to work or something, I don't really know nowadays! Y'know, he's actually asleep right now!
Nah, I took it out after I showed you the photo! Didn't think he'd wanna wake up to a pink blossom in his hair!
I doubt that! Anyway, I should go now, I don't think Shouta would appreciate being kept away from cats! I'll talk to you later!"

Aizawa, who's still pretending to be asleep, doesn't think much of the conversation. Honestly, it was quite mundane compared to some of the things he's overheard while sleeping. Although, the photo or the blossom didn't catch his attention, the fact that he "decided to cut short" because he seemed tired did. He thought he'd been hiding it well but he remembered that he really couldn't hide anything from the person who knows him best.
He prepared to be yelled at or hit again once he heard Yamada put his phone back in his pocket. He somewhat braced himself as he waited to be woken up but instead of being harassed like usual, he felt Yamada tapping on his shoulder. He didn't do it often but once in a while he'd wake him up gently, like a normal person.
"Shoouu, come on! Don't you wanna see those cats? C'mon, I'm starving!" he whines.
Aizawa opens his eyes slightly and sighs, turning his head towards Yamada.
He stops tapping his shoulder and smiles, "Finally! C'mon, man! I wanna get something to eat! And don't you wanna see those cats you adore?"
He scowls, "I never said I adore them and stop making this a big deal. I just asked you to come here because I haven't been in a while."
Yamada laughs, "So you don't wanna see those cute cats? Not even that one with the white paws?"
Aizawa went to speak then stopped, turning his gaze to the floor, "Shut up."
Yamada laughed and patted him on the back, "C'mon! Let's not waste any more time!"
He stepped out the car and Aizawa was quick to follow but before he stepped out he noticed the blossom behind the steering wheel, placed delicately in the corner. He decided not to think too much of it and continue to follow Yamada to the cafe, not wasting any more time.
Aizawa sat at the most secluded table in the back corner of the cafe but it wasn't long before a black cat with white paws walked over and jumped into his lap. He didn't pet it or even really look at it, which was fine by the both of them. Instead, his gaze was once again fixed on Yamada, who was ordering for them both at the counter.
Aizawa wasn't fully aware of his staring until something caught his attention: a young tabby cat. It seemed very playful which made sense as it was pawing at Yamada's leg. At first, he seemed oblivious but after a moment he looked down and his smile lit up the room.
Aizawa, unsurprisingly, overheard his voice, "Hey! You're gonna rip my jeans if you keep that up!" he laughed as he crouched down towards the cat. After playing with the cat for a few moments, which got Aizawa's attention way more than the cat's, the cat practically jumped into his arms and Yamada held it in his right arm as he paid the cashier and walked towards the table, where Aizawa was sat — ten times more head over heels than he was previously.
"Check it! Got myself a new best pal! Sorry but you've been replaced! Kidding!!" he exclaimed as he sat down, placing the cat over his shoulder awkwardly as the cat fell asleep.
Aizawa was smiling very slightly but he was alright with that, he was surrounded by what he loved, after all.
"Anyway, I ordered us some drinks and cake! I didn't ask what you wanted so I got the same as last time!" Yamada explained, stiller than usual due to the precariously placed cat.
Aizawa paused for a moment then looked confused, "Last time? Have we ever been here together?"
Yamada gave him an offended look, "You don't remember? Back in high school, I took you here when we first met!"
Aizawa returned to his natural semi-angry expression, "No, we went to the arcade. You took me here after that because you asked to hang out again."
Yamada stopped for a while, causing Aizawa to become slightly nervous.
He laughed, "So you do remember! I really thought you forgot for a sec!"
Aizawa returns to his confused look, "Of course. Why would I forget?"
"Well, it's not like it's too important! I mean, we only went to the arcade and you didn't even wanna be there anyway! You were so rigid, even back then!" he laughed at his own remark and petted the cat to keep it calm.
Aizawa blurted out before thinking, "It was important to me."
Yamada stopped petting the cat and looked towards him, staring at him with a slightly shocked expression.
He begins to speak, "Wait, what do y—"
"Here's your drinks aaand your cakes! Anything else I can get you?"
Yamada turns to the lady and gets distracted by his urge to be polite, thanking her and placing the cat onto the floor.
Aizawa lets out a sigh of relief but his curiosity lingers: what was he going to say? He decided to brush it off and turn his focus to the food. He looks down and sees a slice of vanilla cake with strawberries and cream. He hadn't eaten this since he was a kid, in fact, since he came here in his third year with Yamada.
He assumed he still liked it so that wasn't an issue but he felt a wave of nostalgia wash over him as he sat at the same table, with the same cat in his lap, eating the same cake, across from the same boy he's still entirely in love with. He couldn't help but feel slightly sad, wondering where all the time went yet how he was still in the same situation he was years before.
"Hey! Are you gonna eat your cake or just stare at it?" Yamada joked, pointing at his cake with his fork.
"Sorry, I'm just tired." he replied, spewing out the best excuse he had.
He picked up his fork and cut a bite sized amount off of the outer edge of the cake, taking a strawberry with it. He couldn't help but smile slightly as it still tasted as good as he remembered. Without hesitation, he continued to retrieve more mouthfuls of cake; he wasn't a particularly messy eater but he definitely didn't care enough to have good etiquette.
Leaning on the table with his mouth full of cake, he stopped eating to glance at Yamada who was holding back laughter while trying to take a sip of his drink.
"What?" Aizawa asked bluntly, mouth still full.
Yamada chuckled, "You really never change! You still eat as if it's your last meal!" He finally took a sip of his drink and put it down, "Y'know what? Do you want some of mine?"
He said it jokingly but Aizawa, who had finally swallowed his food, still nodded and Yamada didn't hesitate to pick up the last bite on his fork. He placed his hand underneath so no crumbs fell and moved it over to Aizawa's side of the table. Without second thought, Aizawa ate the piece from the fork at gave an unenthusiastic thumbs up, "Thanks."
Yamada laughed softly and continued to take sips from his drink, waiting patiently for Aizawa to finish. Aizawa finished soon after and placed his plate on top of Yamada's then crossed his arms over the table. He looked at Yamada, who was staring over his shoulder towards the window, he didn't think of anything particular when he did; he just watched for a moment before realising the sun had begun to set and he'd have to return home soon.
He looks down at the table for a second then grabs Yamada's attention, "Hey, I assume you're gonna drive me home after this."
Yamada turns to him and stares blankly for a moment as he processes it, "Oh! Oh, uhh..." he glances at the window again then at his phone, "Yeah, of course! My bad, I lost track of time! If you wanna go home, I'll drive you there!"
Aizawa nods then pauses, "What do you mean 'if I want to'? Do you have something else to do?"
He thinks for a moment, "Well, no! But if you wanted to go anywhere else, I wouldn't mind! Although, I know you're tired so don't sweat it!"
Aizawa inspects his expression, he's clearly wanting to hang out more but the real problem is deciding what's the most rational response.
He decides that he'll give his less rational response a try; you only live once or something like that.
He looks at him blankly, "It's gonna get pretty cold, we won't want to be going out now."
Yamada looks slightly disappointed and goes to respond but he isn't finished, "I guess I could hang at your place, if you want. I know you wanted to show me those new mixtapes you got."
He's now looking anywhere but Yamada and he's petting the cat under the table to keep him from losing composure.
Yamada's face lit up and he responded without hesitation, "Sure! I'd love that! We can leave now if you'd like!"
Aizawa looks back at him and notices he's blushing slightly, it catches him off guard but he just assumes that his drink was probably something alcoholic. He hopes that Yamada finds a similar reason for him blushing, which he's certain he's doing.
He strokes the cat on the back and the cat hops down and walks away, knowing that it means he's leaving. He stands up and waits by the table for Yamada, who almost immediately stands up and practically drags him out the door.

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