Chapter 2

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That night, I was in bed, replaying the memories of the previous hours. I met Marshall. I still couldn't believe it. It was something I had been dreaming of since I was a freshman in high school, and to see him standing right in front of me was surreal. Not to mention Paul and Jimmy being there, too.

It was around 9 when my phone began to ring, seeing Rachel's name pop up. I answered tiredly.


"Hey!" She screamed, causing me to jerk my phone away from my ear. "So, how'd it go?"

"How'd what go?" I asked sarcastically, laughing right after. I knew exactly what she was talking about.

"You know exactly what." She laughed. "What happened? Did you get a deal? Do you get to work with him? Is he hot? Hotter in person?"

"Whoa, whoa, slow down." I replied. "First of all, I met Marshall, Paul, and Jimmy. Second, I didn't 'get a deal.' Third, they asked me to collab with him soon. Fourth.." I trailed off, my face reddening. "Well, um.. he's very hot. And fifth, he's much hotter in person."

"Oooh." She playfully said. "Hotter than your perfect little boyfriend?" I heard her mischievously laugh on the other end.

That pissed off a small part of me, yet it made me laugh. "Bitch." I muttered. She laughed, and we continued on with our conversation, soon hanging up afterwards; reflecting back on what she mentioned.

I believed I loved Mikey. I had been with him since high school. Since I was 18. I'm 22 now, and even though he was 24 when I was 18, it didn't matter to me. At all. I worshipped that man, some would say. He was everything to me. He is everything to me.

Speaking of, my phone rang again. Mikey. "Hello?" I answered.

"Hey." He seemed like he was awfully mad about something. "Sorry, 'hey babe'." He tried repairing his hello, but it didn't work.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked.

"I'm tryin' to fix my fuckin' car, and nothing is fuckin' working!" He screamed at me, causing me to jolt. I then heard the faint sound of him throwing something at the wall. God, I hated when he was like this..

"Okay, okay.." I muttered calmingly, hoping he would chill out. I heard him sigh heavily over the phone, making me impatient with him. "Look.. I know you're upset.. but could you please calm down? I know your car hasn't been working a lot lately, but it's best if y-"

"Oh, what do you possibly know? Telling me to chill the fuck out and shit, why don't you chill the fuck out? Huh? Why don't you.. uh, I don't fuckin' know, leave me alone so I can figure out what to do? Hmm?"

I was appalled. But.. unfortunately.. it was normal.  "Alright.. um, I'll leave you alone."

"Good." And like that, I was once again, by myself. The click at the end of the call told me that I not only needed to put the phone down..

I needed to put my foot down.

I redialed the number, and he answered after the first ring. "What?" He viciously said. If I wasn't pissed before, I sure as hell was now.

"I'm done." I said, taken aback by how blunt I was. He sighed into the phone, obviously mad.

"Excuse me?" He said. I repeated myself once more, adding to it.

"Michael, I'm done. I can't deal with this shit anymore.."

He was silent on the other end. I knew what he was capable of, so I left things simple..

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