Chapter 5

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Tori had nodded off beside of me after an hour or so went by. She had her head resting peacefully against my shoulder, as my arm was curled around the back of the couch. I was on the verge of laying my head on top of hers, knowing I was about to nod off, too, when my phone began to ring. It was on the coffee table.


I ever so gently used my hands to move her body the other direction, and she started shifting uncomfortably, soon moving for me, and resting her head away from me. Thank God, I thought.

I made a grab for my phone and answered. "What?" I furiously whispered.

"Daddy, it's just me, chill out."

Whit. "Oh, hey baby, I'm sorry, I'm just a little busy. What'd you need?"

"We were wondering if you could come pick us up."

"Us?" I questioned. "Who's 'us'?"

"Hay and I. Mom picked her up this morning from wherever she stayed last night, and now we want to come home. We really don't want to be here, we miss you."

The last time I saw them was yesterday afternoon, and the feeling was mutual. "I miss you girls, too." I looked behind me to look at Tori, and the dilemma was getting harder. Does she want to meet my girls yet? Do the girls want to meet her?

I'm sure they did; they love her. Ever since her days on Vine, they've loved her. I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue for them, but for her? I didn't know. I guess there was only one way to find out.

"Whit, I'll call Alaina, and see if she'll come get you girls. She's supposed to be coming over anyway, so I'll call her."

"Thanks daddy, I love you."

Her sweet, gentle voice broke my heart sometimes, but in the good way of course. "I love you too, baby." And with that, she hung up.

"Laney?" I asked once she picked up the phone; I dialed her number as soon as I hung up with Whit. "I was wondering if you wouldn't mind picking the girls up at your aunt's in about half an hour. They want to come home."

"Yeah, I'll be there in about an hour." She replied, as if it wasn't a problem to do so, at all.

"Thanks, honey." I said, relieved that she would do it. After we said our farewells, we hung up, and I flew back against the couch, breathing a sigh of relief. Thank you, God.

I think we all knew why I didn't want to do it. Sure, Kim and I were okay. Better than we have ever been, to be honest. But, if I was able to get out of seeing her, I'd do it. Simple as that.

I then began to hear Tori shuffling around beside of me. I looked over to see her fully awake, rubbing her eyes roughly.


"Mmm." She grumbled. I silently chuckled and moved to her.

"I gotta tell you something." I carefully said. I didn't want to throw this on her. We had just met, and I feel like my girls would connect with her; but I wasn't about to be blunt and spring this on her out of the random. She was now looking at me with furrowed eyebrows. "My girls will be here in about an hour."

Her eyes widened. "Oh, my God.. your daughters?" She asked, me nodding to her in return.

"Should I leave?" She asked right after.

It was my turn for my eyes to widen. "No, no; stay. They love you, they'd kill to meet you. Especially Hay and Whit. Alaina likes you too, but you understand what I'm sayin'. Please, stay." I said, letting her know that I meant it.

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