Chapter 4

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I woke up early the next morning, completely clueless as to where I was. My eyes adjusted to the light shining through the window, and once I looked around, I remembered where I was: Marshall's.

Oh fuck.

I couldn't process the fact that the majority of the night, we were making out on his couch. I was feeling vulnerable, and that's why I kissed him back. After losing somebody that had been in your life for four years, you tend to have that feeling. I didn't want him to think I used him..

I knew he was feeling vulnerable, too. Marshall was just, that guy. His relationships failed, he lost his best friend, he almost died. Marshall was just the vulnerable type. It made me feel awful for him.

Speaking of Marshall, I looked beside of me and noticed that he was no longer on the couch. I then heard footsteps echoing from some part of the house, soon noticing Marshall in my peripheral vision. He had a pair of sweatpants that were long enough to sag under his feet, and he was shirtless.


Not only that, but his pants were sagging low enough to see the dark pair of boxers he had underneath. They fit his body perfectly, and to see the top half of his body was, fucking incredible. His tattoos. His belly button tattoo.


If you couldn't tell, I was aroused as fuck.

"Mornin'." He faintly smiled at me, eyeing me carefully. He ran a hand through his hair and grabbed a t-shirt that was laying on the arm rest of his chair. He slipped it on, but not before I could get a look at the way his body rippled when he stretched.

Jesus Christ.

"Good morning." I said, my cheeks reddening. He walked over to me and held my chin lightly as he softly kissed my forehead.

Awh, Marshall..

Lord have mercy, that was the sweetest thing. He walked off toward the kitchen and motioned for me to follow him. Once in there, he began to rummage through cabinets, looking for something to fix. I sat down at the island and watched him. Not in a creepy way.

"I'm fixing waffles, if that's alright with you." He said. I happily nodded, and he began. "Not to brag, but I'm pretty fuckin' good at it." He looked back at me and smirked.

"Oh, are you?" I laughed, continuing to watch him. I looked around the kitchen and noticed a small radio that sat on the island. I started to mess with it, and it started playing Hold You Down by J-Lo and Fat Joe. I looked up to see Marshall bobbing his head and lightly swaying his body to it. I began singing Jen's part, and I saw Marshall turn around and watch me, as if he was fascinated. The look in his eyes made it clear. He began rapping Fat Joe's part, and he made his way over to me, took my hand, and lightly pulled me off the stool. We both began to dance to the rhythm of the song, and he twirled me into his body, with my back pressed against his chest.

He held me to him as we swayed back and forth, me singing, him rapping. He twirled me again; he twirled me outwards, then inwards, our faces ended up being a couple inches apart. One hand was on my hip, and the other was wrapped around my back, and my hands were on his arms. His eyes sparkled, and without a warning to him, I pressed my lips to his. I took control, but then, he slammed me against the counter, using his strength to pick me up and slam me down on it. My hands were on his shoulders, and his were now on my thighs, as he was standing between them. It's not as if we were hungrily kissing - we were slowly kissing. Not intense, but rather passionate. His right hand was slowly moving up and down my thigh, as his lips were now on my neck. I had his head pressed against my skin, and suddenly, we heard a huge hissing sound coming from the stove.

The waffles.

Marshall tore away from me and sprinted to the stove. He quickly turned the oven off and grabbed a couple of oven mitts to fan the smoke away. I had covered my mouth to hide the fact that I was laughing.

After a while, he was finished. His eyes locked with mine, and I immediately let out the laugh I had been holding in, and he eventually laughed, too. He shook his head and made his way over to me, leaning his forehead against mine.

It was dead silence.

"What're you doing to me.." He whispered, looking into my eyes. "I'm not even looking for a relationship, and ever since you walked into that room, I can't get my fucking mind off of you."

We stared at each other for what felt like the longest time.

"I'm not looking for a relationship either, Marshall.. but I feel the same."

His eyes widened a little. "Really?"

I nodded. "But.. I like this right now. I like what we have, I guess you could say.."

He was silent again, and he had been looking down. He eventually looked back up into my eyes to continue.

"Then let's.. stay like this. I like it too."

I knew he was scared. I did. I was scared too. He was probably more scared than I was. I knew he was, actually.

"You're okay with that?"

"Well, it's not like we're friends with benefits, or some shit like that," He chuckled. "But, yeah. I'm cool with that."

I nodded, and he gently lifted me off of the counter and back onto the floor.

"Since I fucked the waffles up, you wanna watch a movie or something?"

I laughed. "You didn't fuck the waffles up."

He pondered, then a cute grin appeared on his face. "That's right. You fucked them up."

My mouth dropped, and I laughed. "How did I fuck them up?"

"Had you not fucking turned me on, we would be eating waffles right now." I laughed and punched his arm.

We made our way to the couch soon after, and he spread a large blanket out over the two of us. He insisted that it was okay for me to lean against him.

So I did.


I love updating. (: the next chapter will probably include less of Marshall, I haven't decided. But thank you guys so much. <3

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