Chapter 1

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Felix POV

As I walked inside of the school, I sure felt cold, despite the shiny sun already being up at 7:30am, but i also felt particularly... disturbed. I assumed that this year being my last year of secondary school would mean I am becoming an adult, that I am not a child anymore, or whatever, but maybe it was something different. I think I was scared. Scared of what ? 'Guess I'll find out this year' I said to myself.

I then went by the building's big glass panel to see where my class had to be when the first period would start. Since I didn't have that much friends and I had arrived 30 minutes early, I decided to wait at the place we were supposed to range. And so I just sat on a bench, waiting patiently, boringly, passive-agressively. I didnt do nothing more than look around me and see the big buildings we would be locked to study 8 hours a day. I supposed the big building that stood behind me was a Science building, since i was almost sure i recognized a microscope next to the window. Everything looked so big i had the feeling that it could fall on me anytime soon. Thankfully, it didn't. And while i was spacing out, I heard a familiar voice that I instantly recognized.

"Yah! Two years in a row ?!!"

"So funny ha!" I replied to the scream of my best friend, Jisung. I met him two years ago. He was there at my darkest times.

At that time, I had a friend with who I was quite close. His name is Seungmin. Kim Seungmin. I met him in my previous school, which was a boy only school. Once, he asked me if I had ever fallen in love with a girl. I immediately answered "Come on, I can't even fall asleep" as a joke, even though it was true.

And starting from there, things took a very bad turn. I later discovered that he assumed that I never had any girlfriend nor female crush because I was gay. He then went towards everyone in the school to spread the rumors to the guys. And starting from this day, all the other students started avoiding me. At the time, i didn't know why, but I supposed that my personality made them feel awkward, plus they were all very nerdy. In a logical way, it made sense, but the true reason behind this was actually completely senseless, stupid, but not enough to make anyone doubt.

This went so far that even my father, who came to pick me up everyday, heard about the stories and started to believe it more and more day after day. He then became so strict towards me and harsh with his words I cried every day. Every morning, I just wished I would never wake up again. But then, as I was being ignored for a reason I wasn't aware of, a guy named Jisung came to me and befriended with me. We talked about the fact that I was suddenly ignored by everyone, and that's where he explained me what Seungmin had done. Since then, I didn't talk to him, didn't respect him, and one day, I was even about to hit him. 'You'll see if I am as fragile as you want me to be' I thought. 

Later on (and thankfully again), after an accident in the school, it had closed and I am now in a new place, where no one knows me, no one minds me, and no one bothers me. If I can't wait for the year to begin, it's only so it can end faster.

bye everyone, see u next time

bye everyone, see u next time

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