The man with a sword

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One day Theseus was walking alone in the woods near his home. He walked for what felt like hours upon hours.

His spider was just sleeping in his cage so Theseus felt it would be weird to talk to him.

Theseus eventually found a small clearing and sat down. Theseus never thought he'd fallen asleep but he was awaken by a loud voice. It was now dark out and the voice was saying "What is your name boy?" Theseus eventually saw it was a tall man with a sword asking it. Not knowing what to do Theseus said "My name is Theseus!"

The man with a sword replied "Well Theseus what type are you, the brave or the stupid?" Theseus just sat there dumbfounded. "I asked you a question kid! Someone with either bravery or stupidity would come into these woods alone at dark!" the man with a sword yelled.

Theseus replied "I wouldn't know!! I've walked these woods my whole life I've never been here when it was dark!!" This seemed to give the man satisfaction. He laughed and said "Go home young Theseus the woods are dangerous when it's dark"

So Theseus did. Theseus left scared and confused by what the man said. The brave don't know of those woods. The stupid wouldn't either. For as long as Theseus could remember that woods stood a mile behind his home and was the perfect spot to play with Wilbur when they were younger. Now Theseus wonder if it had always been there. He wanted to ask his father when he got home.

When Theseus got home though the house was empty.

Wilbur's music room was silent. Technos study was colder than usual. His Father wasn't anywhere neither was his brother or Techno.

Theseus started to worry. They've never all been gone at once. They knew Theseus wasn't that good at self defense. Why did they leave him alone? Why wasn't there a note, a video, something telling him where they went?!
Then Theseus realized the one key detail. Steve was gone. Technos beloved polar bear never left the stables.

So why now when Theseus had met the strange man with a sword did everyone go missing? Where were they? What happened to Steve? Who was the man with the sword? A Thousand questions went through his head that night. He wondered if they'll be answered...

Woo first chapter of probably many!! I'm so excited about this and very obsessed with my idea! If you enjoyed please tell me so I can make more chapters!!

My name is Theseus Minecraft...Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora