The Strange house in the Woods

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Techno wasn't scared. He never was. But now he was. He wasn't scared for himself. He was scared for Theseus. He was scared for Wilbur. He was scared for Phil.

Techno was alone. He didn't know if Wilbur and Phil were alone. He knew Theseus was. Theseus was left alone with out defense.

He told Phil they'd be home before Theseus. Had he not told Wilbur he would he home before dark he wouldn't have came. No one could have guessed the events that followed leaving...

Phil saw Wilbur. Steve was there along with Carl. Techno wasn't there. Wilbur was still passed out... somewhere. He couldn't tell where they were. It was warm so they weren't outside or underground. Steve had a muzzle on, probably because he was a polar bear. Phil's couldn't move. He assumed whoever had taken him and Wilbur tied them up.

But where was techno? Why was this person doing this them? Who was this person?

Phil had questions. His main concern is if his youngest son, Theseus, was alright. Theseus had only just turned 18 two weeks ago. He hadn't been alone for... Gods know how long him and Wilbur had been out.

When Wilbur woke up Phil immediately asked " are you okay? Do you know where we are?" Wilbur replied "Phil calm the f down!! I don't know where we are!!"

Phil did calm down. He started talking with Wilbur.

Hours later Wilbur said "Oh phil I have a knife!" Phil then said "god dammit Wilbur you say that now? Well hurry up and cut the ropes!!"

They untied the animals and tried finding the door. There was no visible door so they looked for buttons, pressure plates, anything. They eventually found a button to open the door. They were in a maze on rooms.

They eventually found a room with windows. They saw it was dark out. "Imagine how scared Theseus is Phil... we never should have came to the enchanted part of the woods!" Wilbur said in panic.

They found a way outside. Never found techno. Phil knew he was somewhere inside the maze of the strange house in the woods.

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