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Mark - Marius
Ain - Emilia
Aisyah - Ryuu
Eisya - Jun
Nik - Ray
Hani - Hansel

As Marius was about to throw away the old bottle , he saw that there was a piece of paper inside it . He took out the paper , only to find a writing and an odd address .

"Weird," he said.

The door to his home went wide opened as he hurriedly went inside . Safety first fellas , he locked his door before going on his laptop to investigate the address written in the paper . It took him quite a while but finally , he had found it , "what ? In the middle of the forest ?" he gasped .

He quickly snatched his phone off the table and made a phone call .. well , two phone calls to be exact . One to his girfriend , Emilia and one to his bestfriend , Jun . He explains the situation and told them to meet him at the address as soon as possible , to fulfill his curiousity .

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