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"... if i recall , i only made two phone calls," Marius said as he saw Emilia and Jun with two other unidentified individuals .

Emilia looks over her shoulder , "oh right , sorry , this is Ryuú and the other is Ray ," she points towards the tall girl and the other with short hair . Marius nods a hello to them before walking towards the firm looking mansion in front of them .

The dark and gloomy vibe surrounding them brings the chills to their spines . No one knows what awaits them inside . Marius looks back and says , "you guys have any plans on how we should investigate this ... mysterious place ?"

Most of them suggested that they should split up to speed up the process of searching for what they need to search for , while the rest suggested they should stay together in order to not get anyone injured . Maybe it's because of their personality , but only Ray and Ryuú stayed quiet .

After coming up with a solution , they decided to enter and investigate the abandoned mansion together as a group . Marius and Emilia infront , Jun in the middle and Ray with Ryuú at the back . Five ? You thought there's only five of them ? No no no ... behind the dormant tree , a 'friend' appeared to spice things up .

The door creaks as soon as Marius opens it , abandoned indeed . Dust particles floating everywhere , big spider webs created on every corner of the mansion , cracks appearing on doors and windows , lightbulbs malfucntioning .. creating a great tension in the hallway . ' Thank God I brought a torchlight , ' he whispers to himself before regretting it because he forgot to recharge the batteries .

"Guess we just have to find some extra lightbulbs or... should we just go with our guts? " asks Jun . She continued walking even though no one answered her . Emilia clings towards Marius before following Jun to an unlocked room followed by the rest .

Ray suddenly stops on their track when they saw a shiny object in the corner of the room . Ryuú on the other hand , had already dissappeared , probably searching for the same thing .

Ray lifts the shiny object above their head , "another bottle" says Ray before taking the piece of paper and a 'necklace' out. "For those who seek an assist, take this necklace for a twist. "

They make a quick glance before keeping the necklace for themselves , then immediately walked towards Ryuú . Ray slaps her back softly , "when ?"

Ryuú looks at Ray in shock , "hm ? oh , weren't we supposed to wait for the signal ??"

"You're asking me back ??"

She raises both of her shoulders , "you found something that can 'help' you ?" Ray nods in response . Ryuú smiled a bit then walks out of the room while saying , "I'm moving to another room , guys"

Emilia quickly says okay before following Jun to the back of a counter in the room , "ugh , dusty!" she says . She brushes off the dust from the counter until she stumbles upon a thick covered book . Curiousity hits her to the max but Jun came out of nowhere , "what's this?"

She extends her arm to take the book but it was 'stuck'. Her eyebrows furrowed as she tries to pull it again until they hear a clicking sound outside the room .

Outside , Ryuú and Ray were discussing about the necklace Ray found a while ago . That is until they heard a click near them . The floor , the walls , every single one of them starts to shake abruptly . Everyone from the room ran out immediately after they felt the occurence .

"What was that- ?" as soon as Marius questioned it , a wall came through between them , dividing the group into two . The impact was huge , it made both of the groups fall back . Jun stood up with a grunt and looks around her , "Ryuú ??"

Ryuú peeks a glance at her , but in seconds , she let out a giggle . She looked back at Jun , "this is getting interesting.." then , she stood up from her fall and walks towards the door to their left . Jun followed her after , still thinking on why she giggled all of a sudden .

On the other hand , the three of them sits there in shock . They looked at eachother for a brief moment before Ray decides to break the silence , "guess I'm third-wheeling now" Ray says before standing up and walks towards the door to the right .

Marius and Emilie are still sitting at the same spot . Emilie keeps staring at the door that Ray just walked through , "who do you think gave you that bottle , Marius ?" she asks . Marius shrugs and let out a sigh .

"I don't know , it's just so sudden.." he shakes his head.

He slowly stands up and gives his hand to Emilie , "up ." She stares at his hand and took it to lift herself up . "Thanks , sweetie.." she thanked him , slightly blushing .

( a/n : boooo diam lah eihhhhhhhh amshhebsudekekeyebe tak mampu diam mampos ahrhrhhdgdhrv tung lah leh dating tung lah leh jumpa eeeeeeee booooo cancel cancel , okay dah smbg )

They finally entered the room where Ray was at , only to find that they have long been gone . "What? Where's Ray ????"

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