Chapter 3: Love a lion?!

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We see Y/n suddenly wearing up when he hear gunfire as he sat up from his bed and look around. He was inside what looked like a tent as he eyes widen with realising and soon turn to horror. He immediately jump out from his bed and can feel the heat coming from outside while a large light appears around his tent. He slowly moves towards his tent door and pushes it open and his eyes turn to horror to see his village was up in flames and military helicopters appear over heard the village while he can hear gunfire echoing out around him.

Y/n: (shocked) N-No. N-No this is all of a dream! I have to wake to! I have to-

???: There's one! Open fire!

Bullets fly by him as he dodges the shots and turn to see armoured soldiers opening firing at him while pushing towards him.

Bullets fly by him as he dodges the shots and turn to see armoured soldiers opening firing at him while pushing towards him

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Y/n: (anger) You monsters! WHAT DID WE DO TO DESERVE THIS!

He fires fire balls at them and burned them alive as they scream in pain while he use this opportunity to run and find his father. He runs through the village looking for his father while he runs by dead bodies of many dragon people he knew and loved as tears came out from his cheeks while he shuts them close.

Y/n: (thought) Why I'm I running?! This is all a bad dream! Just please wake the fuck up!

???: Son!

He immediately open his eyes and stop and stood there to see his father being pinned to the ground with a sword at his neck by a hunter who look up at him to see Y/n.

He immediately open his eyes and stop and stood there to see his father being pinned to the ground with a sword at his neck by a hunter who look up at him to see Y/n

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He lend out a smirk while Y/n's father looked at him and give him a warm smile and then said while the hunter raised his sword into the air.

Y/n's father: (smile) I love you son.


Y/n: (tears) NO FATHER!!!!!!!!!!!

(Dream ends)

He quickly sat up from his bed while breathing heavily. He was sweating and looked around to see he was at his dormitory while morning came up through his window as he breath in a sigh and lay back down onto his bed and still remember that dream.

Seton academy X male dragon reader: A dragon among the highschool of animals Where stories live. Discover now