Episode 12 - The Reverse-Flash Returns

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"There are many reasons why we run, but usually it's to avoid what's right in front of us... A decision to be made or a dilemma we have to face. Lately, for me, it feels like running is all I've been doing." Barry admits as he was running all over town when he stops in an alley. "What you got for me, Cisco?"

"You've been playing Good Samaritan all morning. Take a break. Are you sure you don't want to get to CCPD to see Atchaco? Or at least have her help you." Cisco suggested.

"No, I can see her later and I can do this on my own." Barry replied.

Meanwhile in the Cortex of STAR Labs. "'Cause we cannot afford to waste any more time." Harry said.

"What, 'cause we've just been sipping Mai Tais since you got here?" Cisco jokes.

"I don't know what you been sipping since I got here, but Barry needs to get better, stronger, faster. We need to train to prepare for Zoom." Harry reminds him.

"Oh, I see. You haven't had your coffee this morning." Cisco tells him as he starts slurping his coffee.

"I had my coffee this morning. Don't slurp." Harry said and Cisco slurps his coffee with a smile on his face. "Don't. Don't. Don't." Cisco then takes a really long slurp.

Then the computer starts chmming and Cisco looks at it. "Runaway chemical transport truck heading south on Kester." Cisco informs Barry.

"On it." He replied as he sped away.

Minutes later, the police were chasing the truck when Barry showed up. Barry jumps on the truck to find out that no one was driving it. Barry then jumps inside and tries to stop the truck but the brakes aren't working. "Hey, I can't stop the truck! Somebody rigged it!" Barry panics. He then accidentally rips someone's car door. "Sorry!"

"You can't let that truck crash. If you do, you'll take out a whole city block." Cisco tells them.

"Great. Thank you. Thank you for that." Barry said. He then swerves out of the way to avoid the cars in front of him. "That was close, that was close."

"Oh, and the plot thickens. Uh, dead-end up ahead. You got to get out of there!" Cisco warns.

Barry then looks at the dead end. "Oh, come on." Barry groans until he sees a tire iron and picks it up. "Yes!" He then uses the tire iron on all of the tires of the truck to slowly make it stop. He then jumps off as the cops reach it. Barry throws the tire iron away as he walks. "That one was a little close."

Back at STAR Labs. "Nice! Now can you please, please take a break?" Cisco turns to face Harry. "How's that for training?"

"Great." Harry said.

"Look, we're gonna catch Zoom. We got Turtle locked up in the pipeline. All we got to do is use him to figure out how to steal Zoom's speed and then we'll get your daughter back." Cisco tells him.

"That might take longer than we thought." Jay said as he and Caitlin walked in.

"Why's that?" Harry asked.

"Because Turtle's dead." Caitlin replies.

Cisco quickly calls Barry and Atchaco. "Barry, Atchaco, we need you both back here stat." Cisco said.

"We're on our way." Barry and Atchaco said in sync.

When Barry zooms away, he is being watched by the Reverse Flash. Eobard takes out his communicator. "Gideon." Eobard said.

'Was the trip a success, Professor Thawne?" Gideon questions.

'I believe it was. I've finally figured out what time period The Flash is from. Now let's figure out a way to get home." Eobard replies.

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