Episode 19 - Worlds Finest (Supergirl Crossover)

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Barry and Macanese were training in any way that they knew could help them defeat Zoom. They both had devices on their chest that could help them go faster. They both then accidentally broke through some sort of Barrier. Luckily they were both in their suits as they ran through a city when suddenly they saw a girl falling from a skyscraper. So naturally, Barry and Macanese zoom up and get her before zooming her to a field. The girl's shirt was on fire from accidentally coming in contact with the lightning given off from Barry and Macanese's speed. "You're on fire!" Macanese informed her.

"I... Nope. I'm..." The girl then puts the fire out from her shirt with her hands.

"You don't seem that bothered by the fact that you're on fire." Atchaco notices.

"I didn't need you two to save me." She told them.

"You just fell from a skyscraper. So if we hadn't been there, you would have gone splat." Barry chuckles softly.

"I have to get back to the city." She said.

"Okay..." Barry drones. The girl then started to fly away and her civilian clothing fell off and landed on top of Barry. This revealed a blue and red superhero suit with a cape as she flew away, leaving Barry and Macanese looking confused.

"What the what... That's a new one." Macanese noticed as she tried to decipher what happened.

"I thought we were the impossible." Barry said.

Barry and Macanese then zoom away but the girls look at them confused. She then flies towards them making the two speedster stop. "How did you do that?" Macanese asked.

"I'm Supergirl." She replied as if it were the simplest thing.

"You're who now?" Barry wonders.

Sorry, I was just a little... ...disoriented from the scream. How did you two save me?" Supergirl questions.

"Well, you fell out a window and I caught you and ran you all the way out here." Macanese looks around the area. "Which we did not mean to do."

"We've been working on our speed and... Guess we're faster than we thought." Barry told her.

"Yes, but I..." Supergirl exhales. "Who are you?"

"I'm Thunder and this is The Flash." Macanese introduces themselves.

"The who now?" Supergirl questions.

"The... Wait, do you not know who we are?" Barry asked her.

"Should I?" Supergirl wonders.

"What about the Green Arrow?" Macanese suggests and she shakes her head.

"Black Canary? Firestorm? Atom? Zoom?" Barry lists.

"Sorry." Supergirl shrugs her shoulders.

"Oh, boy. Not as sorry as we are." Macanese admits. The two speedsters then take off their mask and show her who they really are.

"Hey, this is Atchaco Cornwall but she is more famously known as the multiversal goddess, Lady CyAmze Macanese and I'm Barry Allen. We're the fastest people alive. Also think we are on the wrong Earth." Barry said.

"We are definitely on the wrong earth and we're gonna need your help." Atchaco tells her.

Later, Supergirl who they now know as Kara Danvers has taken Barry and Atchaco to her apartment where they could change into normal clothes. She then took them to her secret office at work where Barry and Atchaco are now sitting in front of a computer. "So what do you mean, you're from another Earth? What, how many other Earths are there other than this one? You know, we're Earth." Kara said as Barry quickly types on the computer.

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