Step One: find a job!

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Honestly, how could someone resist applying to work at the Pizza Plex Daycare?!

Fresh out of college and trying to fulfill my dream of being in charge of an orphanage I realized way too soon that it just wasn't going to work out. I need money, training, years of experience, several degrees, a ton of recommendation letters, and not to mention my own building!

There's very few entry level jobs that revolve around childcare. I loved babysitting gigs! But it seems that the older you get, the more qualified people want you to be. I mean come on! My younger cousin was able to earn money babysitting and she has absolutely no idea what she's doing! Parents just choose teenagers because they think kids need money, it's just an incentive so they don't have to watch their own kids for a few hours! If I could have kids I'd be sure to always be there!

Anyways, I was looking for entry level jobs, nothing too fancy, just something to get experience, in order to build some sort of portfolio. I don't have a degree in childcare, but I studied psychology for a few years! Nothing degree worthy, but I think I'd do a pretty good job if someone gave me a chance! There was absolutely nothing local, so I stretched the search out to a little further than my dingy apartment. Until I eventually stumbled upon the semi-new Pizza Plex.

At first the only jobs that were advertised were janitorial jobs, a few night guards and mechanics. I hate the smell of public restrooms, isolation would be counterproductive to my goal, and the most complicated thing I've ever managed to fix was my teacher's class pencil sharpener in middle school. I wasn't even the slightest bit qualified for anything, but I kept looking.

I eventually scrolled so far down the list, I managed to find the jobs that were posted a few years back when the place first opened.

And I finally caught a break!

They had a position for a [human] daycare attendant!

The job would include looking after little ones all day and helping out with nap time! There were several other minor tasks like checking the children in and making sure the appropriate guardian picked them up, cleaning up the daycare after hours and being able to adapt to different types of children's personalities and disabilities. Looks like my three years of ASL would finally come in handy! (get it? See what I did there?) Turns out the Plex also has multiple cases of abuse, abandonment and parents quarrels, guess if I can land the job I'll have to keep a close eye on that...

There was one other [minor] requirement, but it looked like it had been manually crossed through on the website. Befriend the animatronic?

I wasted no time in filling out the application and writing down a few phone numbers.

Two days later I received an email


Dear applicant 0023#

Congratulations on securing a job at Freddy Fazbear's Megamall and Pizza Plex.

Your position of [human] daycare attendant has been approved and your references have been thoroughly examined.

Welcome to the team and we hope to meet you this coming Tuesday. Please be no later than 8:30 am. Upon entering, find the ticket booth and ask for the intern Maria. She'll know which pass to give you in order to enter the plex.


Manager Rogers


I did it! I only had my freshman psych teacher as my reference, but I guess that works too????

They emailed back so quickly! And I didn't even have to do an interview, which seems a bit sketchy, maybe they just have a longer provisional period to make sure the little ones like the new hire?


I didn't even know the franchise was still going??? I remember they used to have some diner or something nearby too. After mom forbade me from going back there, I kinda forgot all about the characters!

A quick google search and they really spiffed up the mascots, nice!

How could I have missed the brightly colored animatronics on their website?!?!

Man, if only I could see my favorites again, but the place closed down for some reason when I was younger. I mean my mom forbade me from going to a lot of places, but she was very adamant on making sure I never stepped another foot near the cuddly bear!

I can't believe I can go back! I mean it'll be different sure, but the franchise still caters to kids, and that's all I need to know!

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