Chp.3 Dvalin!?

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Sighs* annnd we're backkk another day another page of my shitty writing:). yesh picture of Albedo in the new event was taken by yours truly me! I do still hope you guys still like reading my chapters anywaysss less goo!!

When we entered Mondstadt the first thing Paimon said was "woah this place looks gloomy", "ah yeah, you have arrived at a bad time I guess, but don't worry Acting Grand Master Jean will take care of it in no time trust me!" Amber said. I nodded along, it's been a month yet the 'knights of Favonius' have done nothing of use to the windstorm surrounding Mondstadt, but then again, I can't do much anyways I was too busy doing commissions and finding Aether, to be of any help. Although I did hope that they could have done something by now, atlas they did not do anything.

We're now at the Barbatos statue in front of the chapel. Amber then decided to give Aether his very own wind glider, for a welcome give if you would. I naturally had mine with me as well, but before Amber could do any teaching of how it works the winds started picking up and a tornado started within the city. Aether and I were both picked up by it, I pulled out my wind glider as I screamed for Aether to do the same. While that was happening, the dust cleared, revealing the dragon Dvalin also known as Stormterror. An unknown voice spoke "I'm making wind currents keeping you up in the air, please help him" just as we heard that we both started floating. Aether started to attack Dvalin with anemo swirls, whilst I was swished to the ground by Dvalin's tail. He was too busy to notice that I was gone but whatever, he's doing what he does best I guess (helping people).

I was smashed into the ground, and guess where I landed, in front of the knights of Favonius headquarters right by the feet of the nosy cavalry captain Kaeya. "Oh~ looks like you've fell for me, Hard~" Kaeya commented, 'no shit dude' was what I wanted to say but manners come first. "Ah Cavalry captain Kaeya, seems like we have a bit of trouble in hand does it not, and I was just 'dropping' by to see if the knights of Favonius were doing anything about it." I responded recovering from the fall and dusting any dirt off my Hanfu, "Oh I was it just looks like its dying down and we know each other so why not drop the formalities" Kaeya replied. I rolled my eyes 'seems like Aether's got it all under control' I thought, "why not go check out the damage you have to deal with 'Kaeya'" I offered, "But of course" he said as we walked over to the chapel.

                            A/n made a few changes cuz my dumbass couldn't think while I made it lol

                            A/n made a few changes cuz my dumbass couldn't think while I made it lol

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                                                                      (her scar but the left eye)

                                                      (the outfit yes I'm bias I like Chinese traditional clothing :p)

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                                                      (the outfit yes I'm bias I like Chinese traditional clothing :p)

(Also, the images are not mine it's just I suck at drawing but most of it looks like my OC. She is a girl just with short hair, and she did have a fox mask to hide the scar she has on her left eye. but her hairs covering the scared eye. Also, ignore the scaramouche looking ass hat she doesn't have that lol)

                                               (can't forget the weapon ofc) 

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                                               (can't forget the weapon ofc) 

"Ahh Miss Moonlight are you okay, we were so worried about you!? You were smashed by the dragon's tail, and we didn't know where you landed!!" Amber exclaimed. *Clap clap clap "you actually have the power to go up against the dragon, are you a new ally.... Or a new storm?" Kaeya and his dramatic entrances. Amber then went on about Stormterror attacking the city himself, then Kaeya butting in about introducing him and Aether. I was completely zoned out, what was I thinking well about the mysterious voice and wind currents that saved us.

I was snaped out of my thoughts with Paimon shaking my arms "hey Moonlight their done speaking, huh you look kinda outa it, *gasp was the fall to much for you body!?", "don't fret I was unfazed by the fall, just... too many things going on right now" I reassured her. With the conversation ended I took Aether and Paimon to a small house I called home. "Welcome to my humble abode, please make yourselves comfortable" I said pushing the door open, "whoa this place looks awesome!" Paimon complemented Aether nodding along with her. "you should get some rest, both of you, you've had a long day" I said pointing at the both of them, "you should do the same especially after your fall Moonlight" Aether pointed out. "Ah I'll be fine I have to report back to Katherine about my commission. I'll be back soon so make sure Paimon doesn't break anything!" I screamed as I was just about to leave the premises, ignoring poor Aether's complaints about me going places with a wounded body.

"Katherine, how's everything going" I ask her while walking up to her little stand she's at every day. "Miss Moonlight I assume you're here to collect your reward from Outrider Amber!" she piped up hearing my voice. "Yes, that and about the meteorites" after telling her everything you found out about them, she gave me the corresponding rewards. I bid her goodbye and started to head home. It's becoming late very late; it looks like its around 11pm or so as I saw a flash of red running past me turning around, I saw nothing there 'what was that' I thought. Brushing it off I continued walking home.


Woof im puffed out from writing, ahhh I wanna say sorry for posting so slow I was working on other "life" stuff so yeah. But I do hope you still enjoy it and who's the mystery red head;P I think most of you already know 

 Moon out;p 

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