Chp. 4 split off (& Diluc)

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Ahhhhhhhh so sorry for the ppl who waited so long I just- nvm I won't make excuses. I was lazy;p lol okeh okeh I'll actual start writing now have fun;) but again slow updates 

"Aether?" I whispered as I entered my house. Boi the sight I saw amazed me, Aether asleep on my couch with Paimon on his head ahhh so cuteeee. *cough Reminds me off how comfy my bed is, so the decision was made, off to bed I go.


Ahh~ Teyvat fried eggs for breakfast best meal. Aether and I where just wondering around when goody two shoes Kaeya walked right on over destroying my peace. (I don't hate Kaeya, Kaeya simps plz don't go after me. I just like making him annoying cuz that's how I see this alcoholic lol)

"So Aether would you like to come with me on a little trip to the KOF (Author-chan has given up on writing full name;p) headquarters. Jean would like too you, you can come too Moonlight only if you want to~ I won't force it" Kaeya said. "Uhh- sure Kaeya," Aether replied, "you can handle yourself right Aether? I have something else to do so I won't come, not today" I excused myself. Both Kaeya and Aether nodded in conformation, while Paimon just whined for me to stay.

After sending the two off, I went to a familiar place. The same place as last night where I encountered the redhead, I had my suspicions on who it was, but I need more information. While I was finding things my mind drifted off to how Aether was doing, I mean I trust Jean, but I don't know what she wanted from him. Was it the dragon, Paimon ahh I don't know, whatever I need to stay focused. "Amy," I called, "Yesss~" she appeared. "You can do most things a system can right?", "yessss I can~ what is it~" she cooed. "Can you check the DNA of this strand of hair?" I questioned her powers.

*Scanning noises "aha! Diluc Ragnvinder, owner of Mondstadts Dawn winery" she piped up from behind her data screens. 'Knew it was him' I thought, "you know I can still hear you right?" Amy said, "Shit?! R-right you can ahaa forgot about that" I said. "Humph you better not, anyways did he do anything to you? Why so interested" Amy asked. "Well, you could say I found a new plaything but that sounds kinky so, put it this way he's interesting" I replied. "Whatever you say, I need a nap" she said while disappearing. 'Ah classic Amy', 'HEY?! I CAN STILL HEAR YOU!!'. 'Sorry, sorry now sleep', 'you better be *humph'.


'Diluc huh, interesting now real interesting. What would he be doing?' I questioned. "Hey, have you heard about the 'Darknight hero' lately?", "Ah I have, seems like someone's going around Mondstadt at night protecting it" person 1 and 2 conversed. 'Gossip goes around fast huh? So that's his intentions, *hum do I want to reveal him, or should I play around-', 'What about a favour? Who knows you might need one' Amy cut me off. 'Your still up and good one I should do that!', 'I know I'm smart no need to thank me' Amy stated proudly.

*At Angles share a ravenett haired girl walked up to the front door and headed inside. To her surprise it was half full, take in consideration the time is around 1 in the afternoon. 'Do people not have jobs, drinking this early?! Shameless' said girl thought to herself shaking her head. She looked at who was bartending today, lone and behold the exact redhead she was looking for. A smirk laid on her face as she walked over and took a seat. "What would you like today, Ma'am?" the redhead asked, "A glass of dandelion wine will do" the ravenett requested. "Coming right up". (Diluc does the fancy bartending like the Tom Holland thing from Uncharted- if u know u know~)

"Here you go", "Why thank you, Diluc or should I say... the 'Darknight hero'~" she said swirling the glass of wine and the sly smirk never leaving her face. Even though she whispered it as a taunt, he froze, turning his head only to shoot daggers into her figure. "What did you say" he said in a 'you better not' way. "Oh, come on~ you and I both know exactly what I'm talking about~" she replied pushing on. "I'm sorry but I believe I don't" he fired back. Standing up she hovered over the counter and grabbed his tie, pulling him closer to her as she leaned next to his ear and whispered "Stop pretending, you're obviously covering up. I'll come back at 11 you better be here~" ending it with a slight chuckle.

Letting go she dropped a bag of Mora corresponding to the amount for the drink. "Take a break, the glass is yours, my treat~" she hinted to the neglected cup of wine with a wink. With that she walked out chuckling. Surprised that no-one noticed them, and of course leaving a flushed Diluc behind, face as red as his hair almost. 'Who was that women, darn feelings. 11 o'clock huh, guess I could stay a while longer' he thought looking at her figure leaving the tavern. 'Wait... how did she know?!'

*Poof "uuu~ Nice one back there! You really know how to play with your food huh~" Amy complimented popping up. "Ha! Too nice Amy you're too nice. That was nothing, I have more where that comes from," I replied back. 'Rule one never back down from any conversation'. "Do you think his gonna be there at 11?" Amy asked, "He for sure is if he wants to keep it a secret~" I cooed. Passing the KOF headquarters Jean called me telling me that Aether is going around the temples to get rid of the wind. I asked her to pass a word to Aether that I won't be coming home tonight, so he wouldn't wait for me, also handing her my house keys so he can get in.

After that it just a waiting game for 11 o'clock tonight.

A/N wwwhhhhaaaaaaaa damn sorry for the wait but its here!! Badass moment with Diluc (she's a top) cough uhhh yeah cliff hangers are my friend:)))

Moon out;p

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⏰ Last updated: May 21, 2022 ⏰

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