3. The Jedi

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Now that she had recovered from the explosion, Valis returned to her post as handmaiden to the Senator. However, it was different this time; their narrow escape from death had relaxed the relationship. Valis felt more like a friend to Padmé and this trust made her confident.

The Senator's apartments on Coruscant were magnificent. Unlike the crimson theme opted for by Palpatine, Padmé enjoyed the opulence of royal blue with splashes of gold. It was decided that Valis and Dormé were to stay with the Senator at all times, so although they had been given rooms of their own, they were joined by a richly carpeted hallway.

The room was a lot smaller than Valis' personal apartment which lay vacant in the Palpatine residency, but she didn't mind, at least not for now. Valis knew that a time would come when she could embrace the power of the Palpatine name fully. No more servitude, no more hiding; she could wait for that.

Valis had just returned from a short trip into Coruscant's trade district, and was dressing in her room, when she heard the excited call of 'Obi? Obi!' erupt from Jar Jar Binks.

The Jedi Master is here, she realised as she braided her fiery hair and pinned it into a crown. Valis was in no rush to meet him, instead she took her time dressing. She opted for a crimson gown with long, trailing sleeves and a structured bodice. It was the Palpatine colour; bloody, violent red.

I am an innocent handmaiden to Senator Amidala, she recited in her mind, letting the lie shield her thoughts as the Nightsisters had taught.

Valis left her quarters and calmly made her way to Padmé's lounge. As she neared the room she could hear the reverberation of a male voice: 'It's good to see you my lady.'

Slipping quietly into the room behind the small party, just as the Jedi she assumed was Master Kenobi delivered a meaningful bow, Valis noticed that he was not alone. The Master had brought his Padawan apprentice.

'It has been far too long Master Kenobi,' Padmé smiled at the Jedi widely, offering him her hand which he shook politely.

It was then that Valis felt a shift in the Force. It was very subtle at first but unmistakable. She could feel...emotion. Though it didn't belong to her. It felt like excitement but also...anxiety and it was radiating in her direction. Valis frowned slightly.

'Ani?' The Senator exclaimed suddenly, her eyes falling on the Jedi apprentice, 'my goodness you've grown!'

There it was again: that pulsation of emotion. Valis realised with confusion that it was coming from the Padawan. He was projecting his feelings; did he even realise he was doing it?

She looked at him curiously. He was tall with eager blue eyes and cropped brown hair. He carried himself with pride yet there was something youthful about him, especially now as he gazed at the Senator.

'So have you,' the Padawan replied with a smile on his face, 'grown more beautiful I mean.'

He has a crush on her, Valis thought. She wanted to laugh but held it in, instead a smirk tugged at the corner of her mouth.

'Well for a Senator I mean,' the Jedi quickly corrected himself.

Padmé laughed though blush had risen to her cheeks. 'Oh Ani,' she said with a grin, 'you'll always be that little boy I met on Tatooine.'

They know each other then, Valis thought, how endearing. She was so amused by the situation that Valis had not noticed the Senator's eyes fall upon her.

'Valis,' Padmé smiled, 'let me introduce you to my old friends.' She gestured for Valis to join the party and she obliged, coming to stand by the Senator's side. Her sudden presence seemed to startle the Jedi and for a brief moment Valis wondered if her shielding was so strong that they hadn't been able to detect her energy signature.

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