Prelude: The Shinning Beacon

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In the southern region of Atlas, Noel and Maria L/N were watching their oldest son, Y/N, training under the control of one of General Ironwood's top soldiers. "Our son is growing up so fast, isn't he, honey?" asked Maria. "He sure is, darling, and I have he will have a bright future once he runs the L/N Weapons Development and Research Company," said Noel.

"Yeah, he sure likes our company," said Maria. "But don't forget we also encouraged him to become a huntsman as well," said Noel as he watched Y/N block one of the soldier's sword attacks. Now, Noel was the current CEO of his family's company, the L/N Weapons Development and Research, and his oldest son, Y/N, was the current heir to the company.

The company was currently the second largest company in Atlas, just behind the Schnee Dust Company, but the Schnee Family respected the L/N Family, even though Jacques thought about running them out of business a few times. But because of how popular the L/N family was, it never happened.

"Hey Mom and Dad, is Y/N almost done with his training?" asked a female voice. Looking behind them, Noel and Maria saw their youngest child, Gloria. "Don't worry, sweetie, your big brother will be done right around now," said Noel as he picked up his daughter. Gloria smiled as she watched her older brother approach them.

"Whew, that was fun!" said Y/N as he placed his custom-made weapon, Frost Bite, back into its holster. Frost Bite was a Multi-Action Dust Rapier that Y/N made himself once he decided to become a huntsman. His family even encouraged him to do as well, but he still prefers to run his family's company once his time comes.

"I could tell you were having fun, Y/N, but please keep in mind that becoming a huntsman is more challenging than you think," said Maria. "Yes, I know, Mother," said Y/N. "Now that your training is over, have you given much thought to what Academy you want to go to?" asked Noel. "Yeah, you the choice between Atlas Academy, Shade Academy, Beacon Academy, or Haven Academy," said Maria.

"Don't worry, Mrs. L/N, I'm sure young Y/N here will make the right choice," said the Atlas Soldier as he left the L/N Mansion. "He's right, Mother,  I will make the right choice once I think about it," said Y/N as he straightened his cape. Just then, someone knocked on the door. "Who is it?" asked Noel. As the door opened up, there were two people.

One of them was the L/N Family maid, Alexa Jones. She took care of both Y/N and Gloria if their parents were out doing something since their birth. "Hey, Alexa, who is the man next to you?" asked Gloria. "Oh that's just Ozpin, the headmaster of Beacon Academy in Vale," said Maria. "That's right, Mrs. L/N, now I understand that your son Y/N has finished his training here?" asked Ozpin.

"It's true, Ozpin, I did just finish my training," said Y/N as he took a sip of his cup of tea. "But that doesn't explain why you're here, Ozpin," said Noel. "I came here to see if Y/N wanted to join Beacon Academy," said Ozpin, which made Y/N's E/C eyes widen. "Are you serious?" asked Y/N. "Well, Y/N, your weapon is very well made, and your semblance is very special as well," said Ozpin. Y/N nodded at this. His semblance, Legacy Ice Storms, was a heredity semblance that was passed down to members of the L/N for many years.

It was almost similar to the Schnee's Glyph semblance, except it was able to create blizzards, ice sculptures, and snowstorms. And every time it was used, the user's power increased as well. "Well, ok, I'll head to Beacon Academy," said Y/N. "Ok, Y/N, I'll see you there," said Ozpin as he left the mansion. "See you there, Ozpin," said Y/N as he finished his tea. "Of course, Y/N, see you in a few weeks," said Ozpin before he disappeared from the L/N's eyesight.

"Well, I guess I should start packing my stuff then," said Y/N. "Don't worry, Mr. L/N, I'll help you out," said Alexa. "Thanks, Alexa," said Y/N as he smiled. "Anything for the heir," said Alexa. "Y/N, please be careful once you leave," said Gloria. Looking at his seven-year-old sister, Y/N smiled and picked her up. "Don't you worry, sis, I'll be alright," said Y/N as he rubbed her back.

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