Future of This Story

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Decision 1

Shall Ainz adopt Y/n? Yes or no?
(if yes, you gain respect from male guardians and harem increases)

Decision 2

Reader is about to be invited to 2 parties. Which shall he attend first? Princess Reneers, with the blues roses, gazef and the royalty? Or The Emporer, his knights and some workers? (tgis option gains y/n the 3 elven slaves from that one asshole whose name i forget and a meeting with and possibly harem increase from the worker team in season 3 that dies in the tomb)

Decision 3

Call Cocytus Uncle? (cool uncle cocytus acquired

Decision 4

spend time with male guardians yay or nay?

Last one:
Shall y/n sleep with someone(s)? If so who shall pop his cherry?

The Neko Of Nazarick (Overlord Girls x Weak, Submissive!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now