Ainz' First Orders

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Demiurge was before Lord Ainz in the Thrown Room. He had just spent the last week testing out Y/n and was delivering his report.

"-and after the week you have given me, I've discovered much of your new follower.
Y/n is immune to hypnotism, mind control, curses, diseases, and poisons that are not alcoholic. His blood also seems to do holy damage to any vampire or naturally evil entity who drinks it.
He is able to resurrect anything from lowly undead, to your Death Knights, and even Guardian Victim.
He has a knack for creating high quality,  enchanted clothes, armor, weapons, and jewelry .
He also has a knack for creating potions and cooking .
He can make farmlands fertile and make rain fall.
His multiplication magic has been able to multiply any non enchanted item and some lesser enchanted items I put in front of him. He is even able to multiply resources, such as cobalt, lumber, stone and so on.
He is able to multiply any enchanted arrows or crossbow bolts that i put I in front of him, but not any unique enchanted items or enchanted weapons. It's also seems he is simply incapable of even using a lowly dagger to defend himself and/or use destructive or monster conjuration magic.
Lastly, when we tortured him, killed him and resurrected him again about 4 times, he still refused to say anything of Nazarick or its denizens.
Between his blessing and all of its benefits, the fount of knowledge of this world he has provided us, his standing with the rulers of the Empire and Re-Estize, and his unwavering loyalty to you Lord Ainz, my overall opinion of Y/n Felice is that he is a most valuable asset to The Great Tomb, and, among the females, he is a most welcome addition.

Lord Ainz: Where is he now?

Demiurge: he is resting in Yuri Alpha's room, being taken care of by her. She insisted to be the one to erase his memories of the torture and resurrections, as you instructed to do since he proved loyal.. He is currently resting in her more than capable hands.

Ainz: Instisted?

Demiurge: Yes. It seems that another passive part of his blessing is that he is a natural charmer. Many of the women here in The Tomb immediately want to "breed" with him. Admittedly, some of the males do as well, since we had him dress in female garb and discovered that he can pass off for a girl if he only desired to dress as one. I believe my creator put it as "It's a trap?" Or he looks like and sounds like one when dressed as a female.

Ainz: That's..... Interesting. *ahem* Thank you Demiurge. When y/n is finished resting, please send him to me, I need to explain to him of what his duties will be.

Demiurge: As you command Lord Ainz.

With that Demiurge left the office.

Albedo: Lord Ainz.

Albedo said, as she stood to the right of the Elder Litch.

Ainz: What is it Albedo?

Albedo: my lord... Do you intend to keep him as a pet?

Ainz: a pet? No. At present, he is a loyal servant of Nazarick. He is to be treated as an equal, not a slave. Do you think the Pleiades or the Guardians will have a problem with this?

Albedo:  I am pretty sure that it won't be. I like cats and nekos, just as much as Aura and Mare do. As for Demiurge, I doubt that his race would matter at all since he is useful to you and Nazarick. As for Cocytus and the Pleiades, either wouldn't care or like neko's too. And Shalltear?.... *sigh* I fear she and Solution might rape him. But they wouldn't actually hurt him since you have claimed him.

This caused the skeletons lower jaw to drop open and stand agape.

Ainz thoughts: 'Oh riggghhht... Tabula, Buku-Buku Chagama and Perunrinchino (I may have butchered the names) all had shared a neko fetish.'

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