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Y/n had been to Nazarick various times in the past. The homunculus maids, Pleiades, Shalltear Bloodfallen, Albedo and many others had come to fall head over heels for y/n.

At first, y/n had been viewed as "inferior." But all that was about to change.

He would go from being viewed as a pawn, to a Prince with a capital fucking "P."

Y/n had revealed to Ainz Ooal Gown of a ritual that was sometimes used in the Pharoahdom. Said ritual, in a case such as this where Ainz is so overwhelmingly more powerful than y/n, would make Ainz his father and he the son.

Since he is undead and therefore lacking blood, his magical energy would instead take root within the neko and manifest abilities and possibly more witin y/n as well as make him just as much a biological son to the Overlord as if he was his own....ummm...bones? Well you cant really say "flesh and blood" beacuse, again, he's a skeleton.

Anyway, all the preparations were complete. Y/n had prepared the altar with incense  and prayed to the appropriate gods. Then he poured some of his own magical energy into a golden chalice and offered it to Ainz, kneeling before the elder litch who sat upon his mighty throne.

All the guardians and their closest minions were in attendance for this historic moment and feeling ecstatic.

Y/n: Ainz Ooal Gown, nee Momonga, my fated master, I present thee with my offering as your son. Wilst thou grant me the greatest honor and accept my request and take me, Y/n Felice, thine fated servant, as thine own son?

Ainz leaned forward and with his free hand, as the other held the Staff of Ainz Ooal gown, he gently took the chalice from the boys two hands and recited the lines of acceptance he had gone over with y/n prior to this.

Ainz: I- The Illlustrious Ainz Ooal Gown, thy fated master and Absolute Ruler of The Great Tomb of Nazarick, accept thy request. Henceforth, thou art Y/n Felice Ool Gown, my fated servant and beloved son, bound by bond and our magic energies!

Ainz then made the gesture of drinking from the  chalice, bringing it up to his teeth, and tilting his head back. And so, y/n's magical enegy and essence (a stream of white and gold with glittery bits of blue) streamed between Ainz's teeth, down his spinal cord and entering the red sphere that dwelled there where his stomach would be. It was a warm feeling, the magic essence, as it flowed thru his bones. And that pleasant warmth turned into an overwhelming sense of bundled peace, happiness, hope and pleasure once the stream reached his "core."

At this time, he recieved gifts from the essence of his soon to be son. Ainz could just feel it. And the knowledge of what he gained seemed to just appear as though implanted there in his mind.

Holy Resistance +60%, Fire Resistance +20%, All Spells Are Now 10% more effective

Then Ainz poured his own magical essence into the chalice and handed it back to y/n, who then drank the purple, ethereal stream as though it were a rich wine.

Y/n felt a chill roll up from the tip of his tail, up his spine, to his kitty ears. Then he felt the powers gifted unto himself from Ainz.

Immunity to Undead Corruption, mana points vastly increased, 8th tier to super tier magic spells unlocked, paassive skill- Grand Charming Presence, racial evolution to Neko- Supreme Being, +60% resistance to dark spells and negative energy, immunity to mind control, poison immunity (does not work against alchohol and aphrodisiacs), +50% resistance to disease, Legendary Familiar Attained (See picture above) Sub-Species class acquired- Vifon.

Vifon: A being that can feed vampires, succubi, incubi, mana eaters, other vitality eaters, spirit energy eaters, negative energy eaters and chi eaters endlessly without suffering negative drawbacks. In addition, those who feed on a vifon who is willing will find themselves more satisfied and stay satisfied for even longer. Feeding on a willing vifon also has the potential to, under the right circumstances, to rid corruption or even turn vampires into daywalkers. In addition to the other types, flesh eaters may even unlock the ability to dine on "human food and drink" and be satisfied by being in close proximity of the vifon for prolonged periods of time.

(Authors Note: Though I don't own  Overlord, I DO own the vifon sub-species concept. This concept will be something that you will see in my upcoming original book- "The Chronicles of Fen." it's about a slave wolf boy in a fantasy world becoming an adventurer and discovering what exactly he is alongside his pervy succbus mistress and his dhampire ward. But enough about that. Back to the story.)

Y/n: And with this.... The ceremony is complete!  I am now the son of Ainz Ooal Gown! I am Y/n FELICE OOAL GOWN!

The denizens of Nazarick all cheered.



Ainz was in his bedchamber about to relax for the night. When suddenly, he felt something.

"What is this?!" he cried out in surprise. He felt the divine magical energy surrounding him. Then his room faded away. Now he sat on his bed atop of a cloud in the sky surrounded by a white, but not blindingly bright, light. A figure dressed in scantily clad clothes and golden jewelry.

????: Glad to see you have been taking good care of my fiancee, oh "supreme one."

Ainz felt that inhibtor activate again. Why? Well he already knew who this was, he just couldnt believe she existed much less appeared.

Ainz: So, you are the goddess.

Goddess: That is correct. I am the goddess of love, lust, beauty, incense, aphrodisiacs, sex, futa, and the mother of neko-kind. I.... am-


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Ainz: what do you want with me?

Bastet: I will get right to the point. I don't care what you do to the rest of this world. Enslave the mortals. Burn it to the ground. Do as you will. But dont you dare try and enslave or bring undue harm to the Pharoahdom. Am I understood? Good. Now then, allow me to do you a solid favor,*snaps her fingers* Now your dear Albedo and Shalltear, who were already developing feelings for my little fucktoy-boi, is now obsessed with him as they once were for you. Now you dont have to deal with them throwing themselves at you. Now.... I have got to go. For I have more important things to do than speak with some undead wanna-be god, Like taking a cat-nip induced nap after I cat fuck the shit outta some of these sweet felines here in heaven. buh-bye!

And with that the seemingly rude goddess left the office worker trapped within his op skeleton avatar sitting there dumbfounded. Left with SO many questions....

And a strong feeling that she was definitely like a real cat... Thinking shw is better than everything else and pretty much owns the world.


Next Time: 🍋Tea(bagging) Party🍋

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