part two

64 3 2

*out grocery shopping*

ItzAidenTheWeirdo: *takes a free sample twice*

ItzAidenTheWeirdo: Robbery and fraud. I'm a rebel.

Oscar: Happy October 32nd! Second Halloween!

Happened_: that doesn't exist.

Oscar: not with that attitude.

Happened_: why would you give a knife to Edi!?

Oscar, shrugging: Edi felt unsafe

Happened_: now I fell unsafe!!

Odcar: I'm sorry...

Oscar: would you like a knife?

Rainbow: *signs illegal document with glitter pen*

Edirazirolly, Dramatically: they called me a fool.

ItzAidenTheWeirdo, sick of this shit: they weren't wrong.

Edi: I'm usually the person who has no idea what's going on

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