Chapter 7: Disaster & Hope

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"M-My parents??" Ron stuttered in horror.

"Yes, your parents. We don't have a choice."

With that, the two adults left the room to call Ron's parents.

The two friends sat in silence for a while, before Bob spoke up. "Ron...I...I'm sorry I didn't tell you about where I came from earlier...then none of this would have wouldn't get that second form you have now—"

"No, Bob! It's my fault! I got so curious I invaded your privacy! And I can't control this stupid form either!" Ron practically yelled, feeling like he was about to cry again.

Bob turned his head to the side and sighed. Immediately, Ron felt bad for his sudden outburst. Having an outburst whenever he was upset seemed to be happening every time he ended up in an argument with anybody, even to his own friend.

A couple minutes later, the two found two adults rush into the office. Ron recognised them.

His parents.

Through the door separating the friends from the main room, he could hear his teacher speak to them. The tone was of concern and disappointment and Ron felt scared and afraid. For the whole time he was at school, he was perceived to be the good student. The kind that would rarely get in trouble, and he was fine with that. But, here he was, in this situation, and his parents called up. He held his breath as the door in front of him swung open.

His parents rushed in immediately and his mother went over and hugged him. "Ronny!!"

Usually whenever his mother would call him that in public he would get embarrassed, but this time he didn't say anything.

Bob sat there, staring at the ground. Ron knew by now that he never had any parents, considering he came from another world. But he didn't know how Bob came into existence, and never seemed to ask him that, since Bob might feel uncomfortable.

After a quick conversation, the teacher told them that Ron and Bob were to be sent home straightaway. Ron's parents offered to bring Bob to his home but Bob refused, saying it would be better for him to go home alone. With that, he left the office to grab his things and go.

Ron and Bob had not spoken as Bob left.

In all honesty, his parents didn't really believe what the teacher had explained. They decided to ask their son instead for the truth, since the teacher's explanation was too far-fetched. Which was reasonable, since this was nothing they have ever heard before.

Ron sat in silence at the back of the car as his father drove them back to their home. He was unable to say a word.

"Your teacher said you have a second appearance. Is that true?" His mother asked, wanting to hear the whole story.

"I...I d-do..." Ron mumbled. At first he had doubted, but his parents needed to know the truth. He couldn't hide it forever especially what had happened, right?

"Well that's a bit ridiculous. This cannot be possible," His father said as he drove the car through the streets, stopping at the traffic light for a minute.

"But it's true!! I—" Ron sat up, trying to defend himself, although he knew for sure his parents may find it hard to believe him.

"Save your excuses for later, Ron Farley."

Ron slumped in his seat. The full name card. Great.

When they got home, Ron wanted to rush into his room and cry, but his parents stopped him.

"Ron, tell us what happened in the classroom. What have you been hiding from us?!"

"I'll tell you what!!" Ron yelled in anger, tears flowing from his eyes, the pain he had built up from earlier. "I have this...this second form I got accidentally because I found out Bob is from another world and I ended up there and I can't control it!! I accidentally changed into that and everyone laughed and Bob tried to defend me but hurt someone and—" He spoke so fast that his parents tried to comprehend what was going on.

At that moment, Ron collapsed onto the floor and started sobbing. A soft glow emitted from him and he was in his second form.

And that was when they knew their son wasn't lying about the whole thing.

"Ron....why didn't you tell us about this...?" His mother asked softly, still trying to take in what had happened.

"I was...afraid...I thought you wouldn't love me anymore and...."

"What are you talking about? Both of us, we love you so much. Whatever happens, we would never stop loving you," his father said to him, getting Ron up his feet.

"R-really...?" Ron sniffed.

His parents gave a huge smile. A genuine smile.

Relieved, he suddenly switched back and muttered.

"T-thank you..."

Bob's Other World (A Bob's Onslaught AU)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon