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"Well, that got awkward fast." Damon coughs and he, Bonnie and Kieran look at their interlocked hands.

"What happened? Where is everybody?" Bonnie questions only for Kieran to give her a sarcastic smile as he pulls his hand away,

"Well, we don't know that Bon Bon. We just got sucked into the light of your witchy juju and opened our eyes, only to be in the exact same spot we were in before."

Bonnie rolls her eyes and begins to walk forwards, the brothers quickly following after her.

"Well, I feel a fang - I'm still a vampire. Either I'm a dead vampire, or Mystic Falls is no longer magic-free."

"Look." Bonnie guides their attention over to the Mystic Grill, only confusing them further.

"I definitely blew that up about an hour ago."

"Why don't we see people?" Bonnie questions, "If we're still on the Other Side, we should at least be able to see the living."

"We can't be on the other side because it was being destroyed - does nobody remember all the people being sucked into the sky?" Kieran waved his arms around as if to get his point across, they are quickly pushed back down by Damon.

"Where the hell are we?" his older brother asks, "And I don't mean geographically." He points out to his sixteen year old brother before the boy can answer with a sarcastic response.

"I have no idea."
"How many more streets are we gonna wander?" Damon groans and Kieran rolls his eyes at upcoming bickering about to occur.

"How many times are you gonna ask questions I don't have the answers to?" Bonnie replies to the older Salvatore who pretends not to hear her.

She sighs before speaking again, "There's something weird about these cars."

"Yeah, they're almost twenty years old or more and they look brand new."

Kieran smiles before jumping onto the hood of the car and laying across it like a movie star, "Hey, take my picture!"

Damon rolls his eyes as he pulls his brother off of the car and onto the floor, "We don't have our phones, idiot." He looks up and the smile leaves his faces slightly as he catches sight of a house.

Damon and Bonnie follow his eyes and realise they are set on Elena's house.
Elena's very not-burned-down house.

"And that is Elena's not-so-burnt-to-a-crisp house."

They approach the house and Damon picks up a newspaper from the lawn. Slapping Kieran's hand away, when the younger brother attempts to take it.

"Look." He holds the paper up so that the other two can read it.

"Rare Solar Eclipse expected to be seen across twelve states." Bonnie reads, a smile forming on Kieran's face as she does.
"Oh, I love when those happen!"

"The date." Damon deadpans and they looks to where he is pointing.

"May 10th, 1994. Is that..? Are we..? That's impossible."

"My 146th birthday." Kieran sighs with a sarcastic smile, causing the other two to send him pointed looks.

Suddenly the sky goes dark as the eclipse takes place, "I don't think we should be asking where we are. I think we should be asking when we are."
Damon and Kieran sit on the swing at the front of Elena's house, while Bonnie sits on the porch.

"I wonder if there's any booze in this empty retroville." Damon's ponders and Kieran snickers at his brother,

"Of course the only think you worry about is bourbon."

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