Kent's brother?

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Damian 12

Conner Kent;  26( Jonathan's brother)

Me; oh hello Connor you must be here for Jon

Conner: uh yeah heh I'm kinda surprising him tho I just got home from the college they all came to my graduation but I didn't go home straight away I uh ..

Me: I know why you didn't you don't gotta be secret about it

Conner: phew

Damian and Jon cuddled up asleep wore out from practice*

Me; heh he did really good today

Conner:.... Damian is here to....

Me: now Connor I'ma set ya straight I-

Conner: no that's not what I meant I meant he's here I figure they wouldn't let him

.me: well actually Bruce agreed for him to do this

Conner; heh I bet it's not the same with Richard (dick) Jason and Tim

Me: there not fond of it but he gets to hang out with your brother and he can get Damian to calm down when nobody else there Best friends

Connor:... I know......heh surprise little brother

Jonathan: Connor* tackles his brother*

Damian: h hey Connor

Connor; hello Damian don't worry I'm not like the ol man I like ya and Trust u you make Jonathan happy

Jonathan: bubba!* Gets flustered*

Connor: what you said it your self Jonny

Jonathan: he's my friend of course he makes me happy

Connor: oh my Luna Jonathan what happened to your arm!?!!!?!?!!?!!?

Connor: if you don't tell me Dami will

Damian: ...Jon I he has a right to know

Jonathan: I told you it wasn't your fault it was mine just as much as yours don't blame your self

Connor: little brother tell me what happened

Jonathan: me and Dami ignored Mrs Kat's instructions to stay put b but we wanted to help her fight the joker we thought she'd need help

Jonathan: a and the joker stabbed my arm and I started to bleed out we put a tourniquet on my arm till I could get to the hospital but we're I'm a free bleeder it wasn't working so me Mrs kat Dami and Mrs Harley teleported to the hospital and Dami tried to give me blood but he wasn't a match but Mrs Harley was so she gave me blood and that's what happened

Connor; well I appreciate that you tried to save my brother's life Damian it was brave of u and I'm proud of you Jon for you two trying to help her but you really gotta listen to her  ..and I'll be thanking Mrs quinzel for giving you blood

Connor; one more thing Dami .... don't listen to what my dad says ... your a good kid despite your back history ... it's not your fault your mom was a bad person ..... You can't help that....but you know what

Dami: what

Connor: you got the family you need your dad brothers and my brother by your side

Damian: nods*

Dick: hey Connor

Wally: hey man

Connor; Richard, wally how are you

Both: good

Dick: come on Dami time to go home

. Connor: same for us Jonathan you'll see Dami later since we're sleeping over at the Wayne's

Jonathan: yay! Ok!

Damian: see you then Jon

Jon: ok

Wally: you know he still doesn't like me d

Dick; I Kno wally I know give him time he'll warm up to you

Wally: if you say so d I don't know

Dick: holds his arm* your my best friend no matter what I'll listen to u but he's my little brother and he's highly protective of me. ...he doesn't warm up to people as u know

Wally: hehe yeah I know...he's kinda...

Dick; kinda what

Wally: he seems sad and lonely.... does he ever hear from his mother

Dick: n no and it's best if he doesn't he's safer if she's staying away

Wally; alright

Jason: as much as I hate to agree with him he has a point Damian's safety is a lot more important....even if I do love her I Love my little brother more

Tim: he's so excited for his sleepover with Jonathan it's so adorable he'd kick our tushes if you found out but ... it's true ...

Bruce: Talia sent word for me to keep Dami she said she would not visit for his safety she's doing what any mother would do to keep her child safe ...

Selena ( Catwoman): darling I know it's hard for him but he's safer here

Bruce: I know

Damian; jay can you help me pick out snacks at the store

Jason: of course lil d of course

Ok every one 769 words)

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