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Charlotte: .... Samuel what are you doing, Samuel: helping uncle dick fix something, dick: hey Charlie what are you doing Hun , Charlotte: just walking around, dick: cool , Jason: hey dick , dick: hey lil wing, Jason : hello dick...., Dick: you ok, Jason: yeah I'm fine why wouldn't I be fine I'm just peachy, dick: what happened, Jason: absolutely everything ..... Henry came through the portal and tried to hurt Samuel " flashback to ten minutes ago" , Henry: haha finally I can do this-," gets kicked to the floor", me: hehe that's what you think Emily no you'll suffer the consequences and will pay for killing jenny and for attempting to hurt Samuel and for trying to break them up, Henry: she wasn't supposed to see what she saw!!!, Me: that was your fault you let her see you messing with Goldie he bit Chris because he didn't know not to she saw what your were doing because you got sloppy, lazy and a lot more it was your own fault!!!, Henry: jenny would tell the police I couldn't have her doing that, me: so you killed her to keep her quite, Henry: exactly,me: alright boys you heard that come get him, Henry: what no!" Gets arrested on the spot", officer: Henry Emily you are under arrest for the murder of your wife jenny Emily tempering with evidence and fraud, me: bye bye jerk, present ", dick:....... What....., Jason: yeah , dick: that's awful, Jason: I know, Samuel: that's not the worst part though...., Dick: what do you mean Samuel, Samuel: well he did a whole lot more than just those few charges , dick: like what, Samuel: he's who set flame to all the pizzerias and he even put that virus in uncle Vincent he killed mom .... planned Charlotte's death on accident he didn't mean for her to die ......and even took the rest of the rement that uncle Vincent had, Jason: ......oh my goodness.....

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