A power even all for one himself fear's.

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                                                                   Many years ago.

Two strange brutish type creatures with their brains exposed were carrying a large metal box. they walked along the beach of a chunk of land in America that nobody had lane clamed to.

These creatures were called Nomu. undead abominations, created when too many quirks (or meta-abilities as they were called back then) are forced into a person. They bring nothing but destruction and chaos. Then one of Nomu's tripped on a rock, causing them both to stagger with the box.

All for one: "careful with that box you clumsy fools! We can't afford to let it escape again!"

Spoke the creator and master of the Nomu's. He is the world's most dangerous villain, all for one. he was a tall, handsome man, dressed in a black business suit with no tie, his white hair was cut short, his irises were crimson red.

All for one was Normally a man so clam, so sure of himself, so in control. But, right now he's frantic, paranoid, nervous. for the first time since his quirk first manifested, all for one... was afraid.

Fujiko: "I don't understand master. we went through all this trouble, just to hide some trinket?"

all for one: "silence doctor! that "trinket" is more powerful, and more dangerous than any meta-ability on earth."

said the villain angrily to his minion and medical expert, doctor Daruma Fujiko.

the doctor was an old looking man, wearing a white lab coat with a dark gray shirt and tie, and grayish green pants with black shoes, his bald head had no trace of hair on his head, and his upper lip was covered by a spiky gray mustache, and he wore strange looking goggles over his eye's.

Fujiko: "but sir, If I may ask? Why not to try and utilize it for our cause?"

???: "oh, but your so-called master has already tried and failed to do so dear doctor."

Answered an old and creepy sounding voice to the doctor's question before all for one could, Causing the both of them to turn around.

All for one: hmph. good of you to finally show up witch, since you're the one who had us meet here.

Said the villain trying to sound like his normal pompous self, While Fujiko was taken aback by the new person that appeared out of nowhere.

She was a short old woman, dressed in dark purple robes with a hood that covered the top half of her elderly face, While the bottom half was that of a wrinkly pointed chin with a small mole on the side, and a creepy grin that would send chills down the spine of Gigantomachia himself. Her small bony hands were wrinkled as well, and her nails were pointed and sharp.

To Fujiko, this woman looked like a gypsy type fortune teller, especially with that glowing purple crystal ball that she sat on and used to float around.

Fortune teller: "your master already tried to wield the artifact within that box, but it rejected him, and anyone he forced it on to, turned against him immediately after.

Explained the Fortune teller, as the doctor turned to all for one.

Fujiko: "s-she's lying. She has to be, r-right master? No power is denied to you."

Said the scared doctor in a stuttering voice. All for one clenched his fists and grit his teeth in frustration.

All for one: "regrettably doctor, no... it is true. The artifact has a mind of its own, and it refuses me."

Fortune teller: "that's because it brings out the hosts innermost self, not bound by Ego or self-restraint. a man who does whatever he pleases such as yourself all for one, could never hope to use the artifact."

She spoke in a mocking tone, as she continued to explain to the foolish villain and his lackey.

Fujiko: "But master, couldn't you just destroy the blasted thing, and be done with it?"

Questioned the doctor, Causing the Fortune teller to snigger and chuckle.

Fortune teller: "hehehe Hehe. he's far too weak to destroy something that powerful."

retorted the old woman, angering all for one even more.

all for one: "watch your tongue witch. Remember, I only allow you to live as long as that... curse!! remains to haunt me."

He then turns his gaze on to the box, as his Nomu's continued to walk with it.

all for one: "even though the artifact rejects me... I can still hear it... it calls to those who will listen... it wants a host... the sheer unrivaled power it promises, but at such a terrible cost. All the while, mocking me with its very existents."

Fortune teller: "That is exactly why it must be disposed of in this manner, as long it remains unhidden it will find a host again."

All for one: "yes yes, I know. now tell me witch, have we arrived at a suitable site?"

The Fortune teller looked upon the area of the beach, using her fingers to form a square in front of her eye.

Fortune teller: "oh yes, this area should do nicely. Tell your monsters to dig a hole."

All for one: "you heard the witch, start digging!"

Ordered the villain to his undead creatures. The Nomu's dug at a fast pace, until there was a hole that was 10 feet deep in the sand in a matter of minutes.

All for one: "Good, now throw the box in and bury it!"

Said all for one in an eager tone. the Nomu's obeyed and threw sand back into the whole.

All for one: "well witch, it's time for you to cast your spell or whatever, and seal away the box."

Fortune teller: "very well all for one. but I must warn you, this is a rather harsh curse. knowing this, are you still willing to let it be cast?

Ask the Fortune teller, as she raised an eyebrow.

All for one: "as long as it makes sure that I never have to see the vile thing again, I couldn't care less about whoever is stupid enough to break it."

Fortune teller: "of course, because you only care about yourself. Very well then all for one."

The old woman jumped off her crystal ball and placed it in her hands. The crystal ball, along with her eyes, began to glow bright as she began her chant.

Fortune teller: "oh Loki, evil lord of mischief... I seal your powers within this box of pure iron."

As the Fortune teller cast her spell and the Nomu's continued to bury the box, Fujiko had pulled his master aside.

Fujiko: "you know sir, this place would be perfect for a base of operations."

Said the mad scientist, as he looked upon the natural landscape.

All for one: "no doctor, this land is curse now. I never want to come back here, Let the heroes have it."

Replied the villain in disdain as The Nomu's were still burying the box, and the Fortune teller continued her spell.

Fortune teller: "I cast this curse, so that any who disturbs your resting place; be it in good or evil; In knowledge or ignorance; shall pay the ultimate price."

Storm clouds begin to rage, as a lightning storm could be heard.

Fortune teller: "now sleep demon, sleep! and may the gods have mercy... ON THE FOOL WHO FINDS YOU!!!"

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