Free at last.

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                                                                      Several years later.

Edge city, despite being in America, the hero capital of the world, was a rather dingy city. There weren't too many pro heroes stationed there, and the ones that were, weren't exceedingly high in rank.

Though it was Mostly because there were little to no villains in edge city, and the criminal activity in Edge city really only consisted of petty thugs and low-level mobsters that barely scraped by. It also didn't help that many of the citizens of edge city were born quirkless.

And one of these quirkless citizens was Stanley Ipkis. He was a very ordinary looking man, with brown hair that was almost black, his irises also brown. and his quirkless fiancé, Tina Carlyle. a beautiful woman with flowing blonde hair, and cool blue irises.

Tina: "How are you doing down there Stanley?"

She had said into a walkie-talkie, as she sat in her work area within a van that was parked near the city docs. Stanley is a Scuba diver who was welding some pipes together underwater at the bay of Edge city.

Stanley: "so far so good Tina, how are things looking on your end?"

Replied Stanley as he spoke into the walkie-talkie built into his Scuba suit. Tina looked over at some monitors that showed Stanley's vitals and his point of view from a camera attached to his Scuba suit.

Tina: "looking good from here."

she said cheerfully to her Fiancé.

???: "excuse me, miss Carlyle?"

Said one of the two low ranked pro heroes, who were there in case of the unlikely event of a villain attack, or if something just went wrong.

Pro hero: "better tell that fiancé of yours that they're sending down another pipe."

Said the pro in a rather bored tone, as he left to rejoin his colleague on look out. Tina turns back on her walkie-talkie and said to her fiancé.

Tina: "Stanley there sending down another one, you should probably head back up to the surface to be safe."

Under the water, Stanley just happens to find a rather old and rusted looking metal box under some rocks.

Stanley: "Hang on for a second Tina, I think I found something."

He swam closer to the box to get a better look at it. He tried to open it but it was locked up so tight, no water had leaked through. He took his miniature crowbar and tried to break its lock and open it. Back on the surface, the workers were lowering a heavy steel pipe down into the water.

Tina: "Stanley you need to move now! Stanley? STANLEY!!?"

She said with fright and panic in her voice, But Stanley didn't hear her, his focus was entirely on the box. it was like it was... calling to him. He couldn't leave it.


The pipe dropped into the water, and it submerged within seconds. As the pipe sinks down further into the water, Stanley continues to try and open the box, until finally.


Stanley managed to break the lock on the box, but not in time to avoid the oncoming pipe. He turns his head to look up at the pipe as it falls on him.

Stanley: "AAAAHHHHH!!!"

He Yelled out as the pipe was crushing him. Back at Tina's workstation, the monitor that showed Stanley's perspective now showed nothing but static, and the monitor for his vitals showed that he was crashing.

Tina: "STANLEY!!!? oh God... n-no... no no no no!!"

She ran toward the pro heroes, and began screaming frantically at them, with tears in her eyes.


Pro hero: "you heard her man; we need to get down there NOW!!!"

Said the pro to his colleague, as they both quickly prepared to go into the water to save Stanley Ipkis, but it was already too late. The pipe crushed both him and his air tank, he was dead within minutes.

But amidst all the chaos of the scene, the pipe that ended Stanley's life also knocked open the metal box. an object within it floated up to the surface.

When the object arrived and floated upon the surface of the water, it was revealed to be a dark green wooden mask, with a metal band on the front. It went completely unnoticed by anyone there, as it drifted along the shore of the bay of Edge city.

At last, the mask was free... free to bring chaos and mayhem onto the world once again. 

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