If you don't have power, fine it by accident.

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A couple of years had passed since Stanley Ipkis died in that scuba diving accident. Since that day, Tina Carlyle's life went straight down the toilet.

She had to get a Job as a singer at a night club that was owned by one of Edge city's most notorious mobsters, Dorian Tyrell. The club was called the coco bongo, and she absolutely hated every minute of it.

She had to wear a dress that had the world's shortest skirt, and it showed off her cleavage. Every night she had to endure the stares of slack jaw idiots that were her audience while singing the lyrics of a stupid blues song. The whole act was completely degrading.

At the end of every night of work, she would return home to her apartment she once shared with her deceased fiancé. she would climb into their bed and cry herself to sleep.

Tina: "Stanley... oh, Stanley why?... Why were you taking from me?"

She whimpered out to herself just before she drifted off to sleep. But little did she know that on one dark night, her life was about to change drastically. both for the better, and for the far, FAR worse.

It started off like any other night. She had just finished her shift at the coco bongo. She walked into Dorian Tyrell's office to get her paycheck for the week. Dorian was a Handsome but shady looking guy. His black brownish hair was geld and combed back, and his irises black in color, an expensive looking cigar was in his mouth. On the surface he looked like your typical nightclub owner, but the moment you got to know him, you would hate his guts instantly.

Dorian: "ahh, Tina my dear. As always, you put on a great show tonight."

Tina: "can its Tyrell. Just give me my money so I can go home."

Snapped the blond-haired person irritably, as she interrupted the mobster before he could speak further.

Dorian: "oh of course, of course. here is your hard earn paycheck sweetheart."

He said mockingly as he held out the piece of paper, which Tina snatched right out his hand. Tina looked at the check and her expression grew more irritated.

Tina: "this isn't even half of my usual paycheck!"

Dorian: "yeah, about that. I've been crunching the numbers and found that I need to cut back expenses somewhere, so I gonna have to dock your pay."

He explained in a condescending manner, which enraged Tina even further.

Tina: "You CAN'T do that."

She said while gritting her teeth in anger. Dorian leaned closer to Tina, while forming a smug grin on his face.

Dorian: oh? and what are you gonna do about Missy?

Tina "I'll... I'll... I'll go to the hero's... and I'll expose your criminal activity, and your mobster status!!"

She said trying to sound threatening, but the mobster just laughed at her.

Dorian: "Hahaha!! Ha. go ahead and squeal to those spandex wearing coppers. see if they can even be bothered to try and put my away. I mean, they did such good a job saving that fiancé of yours. Oh wait."

And with that remark, Tina stormed out of Dorian's office in angry huff. After she left the club and made her way to her car, tears of anger and sadness welled up in her eyes. She hated that awful man, mocking her about her beloved Stanley's death. and what she hated most of all, was that he was right.

After they failed to save Stanley, Tina felt she couldn't rely on heroes anymore. (She didn't hate hero's per say, she just lost her faith in them)


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