The Consequences of your actions.

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It was mid to late morning by the time the police arrived at the crime scene, and they began their work to find out what happened.

Derpy Doyle was the Chief of the Police force of edge city. His face was chubby, and his brown hair was curly. At first glance he seemed like a dope, but he actually took his job quite seriously, and was very good at it. And over the years on the job, he had seen all kinds of murder scenes.

Shooting, stabbing, decapitation, but when he got the call this morning, he wasn't expecting... this. This scene topped them all.

A CSI named sherry walked out of the room, her clothes were stained from droplets of blood from just being in the room.

Sherry: "it's a real blood bath in there, I've never seen anything like it."

Doyle: "yeah, I can see that, what in the hell happened in there?"

The police officer said in aggravation to the CSI's obvious statement.

Sherry: "best I can tell, it's about 10 to 15 victims, and all those poor Basterds's were cut up by something very sharp that was moving very fast."

She said in Explaining the cause of the horror show that was the blood-soaked room behind them. Doyle pinched the bridge of his nose in dismay.

Doyle: "and there's only one type of criminal who is capable of a murder like this."

Sherry: "yes sir, this was definitely the work of someone with some kind of speed quirk. probably used some kind of support gear to make the cuts."

concluded the CSI, since no quirkless human was capable of doing something like this, but it made no sense to Doyle. edge city had little to no citizens who actually had quirks, And the ones who did had quirks, were ones that were subpar at best.

Doyle: "take everything we can, back to the lab and see if we can ID the victims, then maybe we'll figure out who did this, and why."

He said in a serious tone.

Sherry: "way ahead of you chief, I already have some guys bagging up everything that we can. And as for an ID, I was able to find this in that mess back there."

She held up a bag that contained a bloody finger up to Doyle, showing him what she meant. Doyle looked at it in a mix of disgust and shock.

Doyle: "were you able to get a print off that?"

Sherry: "as a matter of fact, I was. This particular victim was the mob boss Dorian Tyrell, he owns this whole building, and if I was a betting girl, I say the other victims are the rest of his gang."

Upon hearing the name, Doyle's eyes widen with surprise, as he began to think the killer wasn't all that bad. for years now he tried to put Tyrell behind bars, but the slimy snake in the grass always found a way to escape justice.

Doyle: "well, can't say I'll miss that low life. But a mobster like him had a ton of enemies, me included. One of them could have hired a villain to kill him."

Sherry nodded in agreement with the Chief's theory and voiced one of her own.

Sherry: "or it could be that a family member of one of the countless people he'd wronged wanting revenge. Heck, might have even been the work of some new vigilante, similar to that knuckle duster guy in Japan."

Doyle: "in any case, I'll call up some hero agencies and the hero Association, see if we can get their help on this case, and get some files on registered speed quirks, and weed out some possible suspects."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2023 ⏰

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