Mmm pasta

198 13 106

Maybe he should've stayed on call with Ned the whole time. Then he could actually talk to someone and not feel so awkward. Life was cruel and meaningless though so what should he expect.

After a moment, Tony had gotten up to grab something, leaving him practically sitting next to Scott in the man's absence.

"So, are you able to go small too?" Scott struck conversation first, both a relief and a stressor for Peter.

"Me? No. I'm all organic over here. Just webs and walls and.. other.. stuff" he uncurled a bit to try and relax, his eyes not remaining in the same spot for more than a second while he kept his head still.

"I've been meaning to ask about those webs too. They come out of you?" Scott gestured to Peter's arm, scooting closer to get a better look.

"Oh! Well. Yeah, a little bit. I do have organic webs, but that's closer to the consistency of an actual spider's silk. I just collect the stuff while it's still liquidy and mix it in with a bunch of other things in a little chamber to make it stronger. I have six different types of webs, and two different shooters", he held out his wrist to show one of the web shooters, and then lifted his glove to show a small hole.

"How much web does your body store at a time?" Scott asked, Clint leaning over to see what they were talking about.

"Well, I've never really reached a legit limit before..? But that's mostly because I hardly ever use more than I need. It does get blocked up sometimes if I don't use it regularly though, so in a way, it's kind of healthy for me to be making the stronger solution" Peter shrugged, shooting a bit from his genuine wrist into his other hand, wadding it into a ball and handing it to Scott.

"That's insane.." Scott held the little ball out to Clint, who picked it up to inspect.

"Yeah, and that kind doesn't dissolve over time like my normal kind. I added in some acidic properties that break it down when exposed to air after about two hours. It's small enough that there isn't any outward damage, like on buildings or people, but it's enough to turn it to dust when needed" he added, coiling another for Scott, since it seemed that Clint was staking claim on the first one, "can't tell you how many times one of my hammocks have dissolved with me in them".

There came Polite Adult Chuckling from the two men, before a hand was placed on Scott's forehead to shove him back. Scott let out a mini complaint, but more came from Clint, who had been buried by Ant-Man's misfortune.

"Stop crowding the baby!" Tony shooed them back, crossing around the couch to take his seat back, "you'll scare him".

"Mr Stark it's okay—"

"I got you a juice box" Tony ignored Peter, tossing over a literal juice box at the teen, who caught it in confusion.

"Why do you have juice boxes lying around?" Peter muttered, gratefully taking the straw anyone and stabbing it into the pack.

"Nutrition for the kids. Right! Everyone!" Tony stood up suddenly again, clapping his hands attentively.

Wanda looked up in annoyance, while everyone else ranged between boredom and attention.

"There are some interns on the younger side, and a little girl named Morgan who you will be seeing around here. Do not approach them unless I am with you, and if a single one of them claims you to be their favorite superhero, I will be neutering you! This excludes Wanda and Spiderman, because Wanda is a woman and I am unsure if Spiderman actually has the same human biology! I am not itching to find out" he held up his can, as if to raise a personal toast, before sitting down and bringing it to his lips, "that is all" he concluded.

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