Chapter 1. Confusion

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The atmosphere became awkward after the Chatterjees left the funeral ceremony for their future daughter-in-law.  Anand, Alena, and Aditya, they were silent all the way to the house. They are busy with their own thoughts. Aditya is still devastated by the news. While his parents couldn't do anything to calm him down.

The time clocks to 7 pm. Anand went to the dining room for dinner. He only found Alena and some of his house staffs. His brow furrowed in surprise as he looked around.

"Adi still doesn't want to come out?" he asked.

Alena looked at him and nodded. "I already called him but he ignored me. Please go and talk to him. I don't know what he's doing in there."

Worried that something has happened to his son, Anand rushes to Aditya's room. He had to go down several stairs and through long hallways to get there. He did it quickly along with his hasty pace.

"Adi?" He called, knocking on the brown door a few times. Still no answer.

"Come on out, boy. Time for dinner." He takes out his phone from his pocket and calls Aditya. His phone is off. He tried to pull the knob but the boy seemed to have locked it from the inside.

"You open the door or I'll break it down." Anand again tried to open the door but to no avail. He looked for a spare key for the room and turned the key quickly. Strange, the door is still locked. It should've been opened now.

His brow furrowed. He turned the key back into its original state and pulled the knob rather roughly. Surprisingly, the door opened so easily that he almost fell forward. It was as if it had never been locked. He then saw Aditya who was standing in front of him with his hands on his hips.

"Why did you lock me up, Baba?" Aditya asked in a hoarse voice. His puffy eyes stared at him sadly but sharply.

Anand gasped. "What? You locked it from the inside. I thought you did something stupid."

Now it was Aditya's turn to flinch. "What? I banged on this door and screamed when Amma calls me. Same thing earlier. Didn't you hear me?"

Anand just shook his head. "I didn't hear anything. You're worrying us."

The two men then fell silent because they were busy making logic from what they had just experienced. Anand watched the door carefully. Nothing strange to it.

"Maybe this needs to be fixed. You go. Don't make your mother mad again."

Aditya just nods and walks away. Meanwhile Anand was still watching the room in amazement.


"I don't know what made Adi's fate so bad. He has failed to get engaged twice and it's always the girl who left him. What's the matter with him? What sin did he commit that he had to endure it all?" Alena walked into her room in a huff. Her face was bent, showing that she wasn't in a good mood.

Anand just glanced at her then went back to busy with his laptop. "Maybe that was just a coincidence." he answered shortly.

Alena snorted. "What a coincidence? His engagements always fail the day before they happen. And Diya isn't a girl who's on medication for depression either. Why did she suddenly end her life like that? Sona is right. Someone has done something bad to us."

Anand rolled his eyes in disgust. "Come on. It's 2022 and you still believe that? We don't know everything about Diya's life anyway. Let her rest peacefully."

"At least do something. Adi can't go on like this. Don't you feel sorry for your son?" Alena joined Anand on the bed. She was still waiting for Anand's response who was still engrossed in his work.

"Adi is not even 30. His parents married at a young age doesn't mean he has to be like us." Anand said after a moment of silence. His words made Alena sigh.

"You don't understand what I mean." Alena pulled the blanket and slept with her back to her husband. Anand turned to her, called her several times but she remained indifferent.

"You can't be angry just because of this." Anand protested. He took off his glasses and stared at Alena's back, hoping for an answer. He really didn't understand why people were so busy explaining the universe which he thought was so abstract. For him there is only black and white. If an event cannot be explained logically then there is no other way to explain it. It remains abstract as the universe came into being.

Anand gave up. He closed his laptop and chose to move to his study. Tomorrow will certainly be more difficult than usual, after Diya's death.

I smiled contentedly and happily followed him wherever he went. I looked at his handsome face who was serious about his work. Phew! His age may be half a century now but his charm is still the same as before.

Oh, Anand. Can you stop making me love you?


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