Chapter 15. The Floral Dress

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In the late afternoon, the noise of the city was increasing as the sun goes down. The impact of changing seasons made Europe that day uncertain. Everyone seemed to have their own business. Unlike today, the city looked more ancient. Rows of Volkswagen Beetle and BMW M1 filled the roadsides. The red brick buildings and traces of the late '80s construction can still be seen. I saw this all from the fifth floor of an old building that would be more correct to call it a flat.

"I don't accept it. Our relationship wasn't meant to be this way."

"But you love me. You told me. Why are you like this?"

I turned my head back when I heard a commotion from inside. It apparently came from the living room. A young man and a girl were seen shouting at each other. I did not recognize the girl's face and could not see the man's face because he had his back to me. However, the conversation they were talking about kept me standing where I am right now. Oh, also, the girl has some bruises on her face.

"I don't want to know. Whatever your reasons, I want you to drop the child or you'll be embarrassed."

Wait. That voice…

"Why only me? We did it together, right? We did it consciously. You did it consciously. This is your son too. Where's your sympathy?"

The young man lost his temper. He pushed the girl against the wall and held her there. His strong hands gripped the girl's neck so violently that it was difficult for the poor girl to breathe.

"We can have a good talk. But you make me run out of patience. Do you know? You're not the first girl I've slept with. You're not the first girl to bear my child. Don't be dramatic like my world revolves around only you. You're so wrong."

I almost screamed when I heard that, but I quickly covered my mouth with both hands. Turns out they didn't hear me. They are still involved in a heated debate.

"What more ... do you want, ... Anand?"




I looked at the young man's face once more. His jawline, his nose, the way his lips moved … No way. My legs went numb for a moment. All the bones in my body just fell apart. My heart was beating fast as my brain tried to process what was happening in front of me.

Is all this real? Is he really Anand, the man whom I married to? The father of my son? But … How come? Where is this? Wait, what year is this?

"NONSENSE!" This young man's rebuke made me jump in surprise. All the hairs on my body suddenly stood up when I saw him throw a hard punch right under the girl's jaw, causing her to fall down.

“A cheap girl like you really likes to trick rich people like me. You could have slept with another man and burdened me with that responsibility. From the start we agreed on what I will get and what you will get in this relationship. You ruined everything. Now I want you to do what I want. You always have a price, right? Say the number. I'll prepare it right away."

The girl slapped “Anand” firmly then stood up. "I am indeed poor. But you can't buy my life."

After saying those words, the girl ran into the room and locked herself. "Anand" did not go after her. He walked towards the kitchen, towards me! I tried to find a place to hide but it was too late. He walked so fast. So I just stood there in front of the kitchen door, hoping he would not see me.

He just walked past me without being bothered in the slightest. It is like he cannot see me. I watched his every move. He pulled a pair of leather gloves out of his coat pocket, put them on, and took out a knife. After that, he returned to the room. What is he–

Oh no.

“Pallavi, please come out.”

What the hell is he? How could he knock on the door so quietly while his left hand gripped a knife tightly.

"I hate you, Anand. Get out of my flat right now. I won't kill this child and will never see you again. Leave."

"I'm sorry. I lost my control. Come out, let's talk about this."

Now I just believe that men are indeed made from the leftover soil that God provided to create humans.

"I don't believe you. Get out now!”

"Okay, okay! I'm ready to accept the child. But I don't want my parents to know about it. We'll talk about this. Please."

His grip tightened around the sharp-edged knife. I hope that girl does not act stupid and–


“What the– Argh!”

I screamed as loud as I could as the young man plunged the knife in his hand deep into the poor girl's stomach. Of course she could not do anything. “Anand” drew his knife and stabbed her once more, splattering blood on the floor and the girl's clothes. The beautiful floral dress was now stained with blood that was flowing from her stomach. Her lifeless body instantly fell into the man's arms.

Wait. Floral dress? It is …

Oh my God. I can not take it anymore. I can not see it anymore. I am out of breath. I can't.

“ARGH!” Alena opened her eyes wide then looked around her. The people before her had the same facial expressions as her. Aditya hastily holds her as she went limp. Her pale face made everyone worried.

"Amma, gosh! You're pale and sweaty. Are you all right?" Aditya asked. Alena just nodded. Her son took her away from the crowd and made her sit on a box.

“Adi, your Baba … That ripped dress …”

Aditya nodded quickly, knowing what his mother would say.  "I saw it too. You calm down."

Sona was the last one to come out of that space-time. She saw the final step of the murder. She never thought that Anand would ever do such a cruel thing. When she came back, everything was a mess. She looked at Alena and Aditya in the corner of the room, then Farozi and Armaan who were rushing up the stairs, then Indrani and Anand who were lying on the floor right next to her feet.

"What's it all, Pandit ji? How come they haven't come back yet?"

"They can't come back." The Pandit replied. "Mr Chatterjee is trapped in a different dimension. Indrani can't go back without him."

Sona widened her eyes. She turned her head to look at Alena who clearly did not hear that. "How could that be?"

"Pallavi brought him into her world."

"What can I do?"

The Pandit stared at Sona for quite a while. "Could you prepare the Durga Saptashati?"

"What? But it's late."

"Pallavi must be destroyed immediately. Otherwise, she will be very dangerous for this family."

Sona looked back at Alena and Aditya, then looked at Anand. She thinks what Pandit said is right. This family must be saved no matter how much she hates Anand. She had to do something. At least for her best friend. She wants Alena and Aditya to live a normal life again.

"Let's do it."


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