Chapter 1 ... Denial

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This chapter contains homophobia, etc.

This story contains different POVS, I will be using and mentioning when it's their POV so dw :)

These kids are my classmates and yea, they are not gay but they are homophobic, I'm just making this to have fun. :) ( they are secretly gay x)

They are decent human beings that are nice at times and support me but still are homophobic. Don't rlly know how to explain.

This is mostly gonna b Mau and Pablos POVS.
(In this story they are 18

Enjoy this chapter



Pablos POV:

I was in school today, I saw two girls kissing.. disgusting. Everyone should be straight.. what's the necessity to date your own gender? I don't get it seriously.. So absolutely disgusting. They are disgusting. I can't believe it. They should all burn in hell. We have to recreate after all right? Like.. I seriously don't get their logics.

I have a crush on this girl. She's so cute. I love her eyes and her lips.. gosh she's perfect her name is Arianna but everyone calles her Ary. My best friend says it's just a dumb crush and that she will never notice me, but I have hope, she has blocked me on my main account so I made an alternative account to stalk her. She's so beautiful.

Mauricios POV: My best friend is CRAZY. He's literally obsessed with someone who hates him. I don't know what else to tell, I tried telling him everything but he WONT. GIVE. UP. What else could I do? I mean it's so overboard.. he's insane.. he's like a psycho.. I always bully him for that and he doesn't care at all.. anyway, my best friend is coming over, maybe I'll convince him to stop trying on this girl this time, we never know.

Ari POV; Today I was talking with my friend, and this weird ass guy in my class just came randomly to talk to me and INTERRUPTED my conversation. Why does he dare to approach me? He's so weird, and ugly.. and he seems to have some kind of obsession with me. I always catch him staring and following me around, it's not fun at all. But I do have to admit, his best friend is kind of hot.. yes, I'm talking about the girl, not the boy. I've always had the biggest crush on her, I've heard her name Luna, what a cute name ! I would love to find a way to get close with her, but I really can't think of anything. I've told this to my friend and they don't seem to have any ideas either. Until I had the brightest idea EVER! Remember the boy I talked about that has the biggest obsession with me? I thought that if I get close to him, I can get to talk to his best friend Luna. Of course, I'm only going to use him for that, I mean, i can't deny it will be fun playing with him, just to get close to his friend.

Bulletin board : Generation party, Friday at 8pm, formal clothing ONLY.

Pablo POV : I'm gonna impress Ari on Friday, I'll wear formal clothing and do my hair so she will fall in love with me, considering i never wear formal clothing she will be impressed.

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