Chapter 2..... A school ask out.

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Pablos POV: I wanted to ask Ari if she was going to the party... but I was to nervous to ask her so instead I sent my best friend Luna to ask her if Ari would like to go to the party with me.. Hopefully she says yes.

Lunas POV: My friend asked me to ask out a girl names "Ari".. I don't know who that is but she sounds nice. I have heard several people talking about her.. But I don't remember what about.. I approached this girl called Ari and asked her "Hello! My friend asked me to invite you to dance in the party! Would you like to go with him? His name is Pablo. :)

Ari POV : I literally could not believe my eyes, I went speechless for a second, and there's two reasons for that. In one hand, Luna was really beautiful, and in the other hand, SHE WAS ASKING ME TO GO OUT WITH PABLO? I knew he had a crush on me but he really sent his best friend to even to talk to me.. talk about cowardness. Luna stared at me with her blue eyes "anyone there?" Uh oh,, I had been zoned out for too long, anyway, the first thing that came to my mind was ask her if she was going to the party, but that would sound a little selfish, I didn't wanna go out with Pablo but this was my chance " Oh sorry! Yes I'd love to!" I tried to say that in the nicest voice I had. "Great!" said Luna, I cannot believe I just said that. The next thing I said was " hey, are you going to the part?" She smiled at me and said "of course!" then she walked away, wow.. she's so awesome.

Pablos POV : Luna came and told me Ari had said yes. I was in shock. I need to dress perfect for her.. Mauricio came up to me and started talking to me. I wasn't hearing him at all but was wondering what I would wear for the party on Friday. "Yo? Earth to Pablo? U there bro?" Mauricio said. "Oh yeah sorry bro I'm kinda distracted at the moment." I said I still couldn't believe this had truly happened.. "Why are you distracted? Did something happen?" Mauricio said. "Yeah bro, you won't believe it.. Ari said yes to dance with me in the party! Do you know how excited I am?" I said blushing. "Wow bro that's so cool, congrats!"

Mauricio POV : I don't believe it. There is no way she said yes to him. She probably lost a bet or is playing with him for fun. Cause there is NO WAY she would say yes to someone like him. She's crazy.. why would she do that. He will just become more obsessed with her and it will be a huge problem. THERE. IS. NO. WAY. "Pablo, how did you manage to ask her out? You're literally a coward." I said "Dude, I asked Luna to ask her out for me and she said yes." Pablo said. "You asked Luna to ask her out!? You know your such a pussy! It's embarrassing you couldn't even ask her yourself!" I said. "Don't call me a pussy! Well she still said yes and that worked so there is not a problem in that you know?!" He answered. "Whatever bro, see you in the party tomorrow." I answered

575 words :)

Love you all keep reading.. the good stuff is gonna start X_x

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