Chapter 4... Boys will be boys.

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If you are not comfortable with this, please don't read it and skip.. You'll miss the whole point of the story tho lol, it's also an important part of the story. :)


Ari POV: We danced for a long time. After that I went to Luna and split up to talk with her and Pablo stayed with Mau. Holy shit this was my opportunity to talk with Luna! She was so perfect and beautiful. How could she be friends with such weirdos.

Pablo's POV: After I danced with Ari I went back to Mau and he was talking with some of his other friends I had just seen they had alcohol and told Mau. "Yo Mau I see some alcohol over there wanna try it out?" I said. "Yeah sure bro, let's just not get too drunk." He said. We both waved goodbye to his other friends and went to the alcohol. We served in some cups and started drinking out. Holy shit I we were drinking too much was getting dizzy. I had lost consciousness.

3rd person POV: Both of them had just gotten drunk after 12 shots of the strong alcohol of tequila. They both were joking and goofing around without the supper vision of Luna which was a huge mistake. They went into the house and went up stairs talking about clown shit and they went to the girl who had organized the parties room.

They started talking and suddenly Mau kissed Pablo. Pablo and Mau were not conscious about what had just happened remember that. Pablo started kissing Mau back passionately. A guy came into the room with another chick and had seen the 2 homophobic guys of the school kissing. They were shocked but also ready with their phone to take a photo. Mau was on top of Pablo and Mau was laying on him until they noticed the guy and the girl had taken photos of them kissing. Pablo was confused cause he didn't see anything but Mau was alarmed. They went outside but everything seemed to be normal again. Luna and Ari approached them.

Ari POV: I cannot believe my eyes, is that a photo of the two most homophobic guys kissing? In one hand, maybe this proves Pablo doesn't really like me and it's just an obsession, but I am pretty sure I saw him and Mau getting drunk, maybe they drank too much. I think my reputation won't be the one getting ruined after all, if anything, they'll be trending on social media by the time this party is over. I'm glad I didn't get drunk, otherwise I would've ended up like them, I saw Luna staring at her phone surprised, she probably saw the photo, I'll go approach her.

Luna POV: What the actual hell happened? I only left them alone for a few minutes and they got so drunk. Is this the way Pablo wants to impress Ari? She's just gonna think he's gay now. Ari approached me and and said "Have you seen the photo they just posted on social media, Luna?" I responded with a sigh "Yes I have, what a disaster.. this wasn't supposed to end like this." She said " Oh I don't mind that.. he has been obsessed with me since what 7th grade? It's not even funny anymore, I'm glad he's happy with someone else. He's such a coward." Ari said. "Don't say that about him! He is my best friend after all. Only I can say mean things to him." I said

Ari POV: Why is she defending him. He is such a weirdo, besides everyone calls him a coward, like it wasn't even in an aggressive way you know. Besides I have all fucking reason to be mad. I don't actually care he likes Mau now, but he stalked me for years it wasn't even a crush, it was an unhealthy obsession. "I have all rights to say mean things! Literally you don't even know what he did to me, and you're okay with that?!" I said. Oops... I didn't mean to say that. Shit. Now I made Luna feel bad. I didn't actually mean to scream.. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean it" I said, "It's fine" she replied while walking away.

Luna POV: That was awkward... I don't wanna have a bad relationship with Ari but I couldn't just keep quiet and let her talk shit about my best friend. Now I gotta go and check how Pablo is. I went up to the second floor but there where a lot of rooms, I had to open every single one of them and in every single room there where people making out. At last I found them... in a very weird possition... Pablo was ON TOP OF MAURICIO, LITERALLY. While Mauricio was sitting Pablo was on his lap while they where intensively kissing. I was shocked, I was just staring at them when I saw that Mauricio was taking Pablos shirt off. "STOP, STOP!" I screamed. They looked at me, Mau didn't give a shit but Pablo was looking at me blushing. I just grabbed Pablo and took him out of there. WHAT THE HELL!

862 Words ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: May 25 ⏰

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